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Year 4 – Sri Lanka


Welcome to Sri Lanka Class!

We are a class of 29 Year 4 children and our teachers are Mrs Sanderson

Please keep looking at our page to see our learning journey as we take on the challenges of Year 4 together!


Cooking and Nutrition: Adapting a recipe


In our first lesson we evaluated existing products to create a frame of reference.




In the next lesson we showed that we can follow simple food safety and hygiene rules and were able to follow a recipe to make simple biscuits. We talked about how we might be able to make changes to this recipe based on preferences.






We then learnt how to select ingredients for a target audience, following a budget. We created a design for our final product having calculated the cost of the extra ingredients.



We learnt to take inspiration from existing products and created a design for a biscuit box of our own using a cuboid template!



Following the recipe from our previous lesson, we then modified and adapted our designs using our design and budget. Our adaptations included addition of chocolate, chocolate chips and marshmallows! We then collected feedback from a member of our target audience!



In Art, we have been analysing different painting techniques, comparing paintings by artists according to elements such as texture or colour and practising creating tints and shades when colour mixing.




Then, we learnt more about the effect of light on colour in everyday life and in art. We applying what we learned previously, and painted a simple object, mixing and using tints and shades to give the appearance of three dimensions.






In the third lesson, we explored different painting techniques and recreating them when painting a simple 3D object.






Then we explored still life and compared compositions, we created our own plan for a finished still life painting and made a brief sketch of this, from a birds-eye view.



How hard was it to invade and settle in Britain?


To understand why the Anglo-Saxons invaded Britain

We learnt who the Anglo-Saxons and Scots were and where they came from; writing a letter home to describe the Anglo Saxon invasion. We used secondary source evidence to find out our information before using what we had learnt in a letter, in the role of an Anglo-Saxon, to explain why they moved to Britain.






LO: To identify the features of the Anglo-Saxon settlements and how they changed from prehistoric times.

We identified the features of Anglo-Saxon houses; comparing Anglo-Saxon and prehistoric houses; and learning the building techniques of the past (Wattle and Daub!).






LO: To make inferences about who was buried at Sutton Hoo and Anglo-Saxon life.

We learnt about the importance of Sutton Hoo and Anglo-Saxon beliefs by making deductions about objects and considering who was buried there.



LO: To understand how Anglo-Saxons converted to Christianity

We have been learning about Anglo-Saxon and Scottish beliefs and creating a stained glass window to represent one of the Christian missionaries.


LO: To create an interpretation of Alfred the Great

In this session, we learnt about the threat from the Vikings and creating a video explaining the children’s interpretation of Alfred the Great.



LO: To understand how Anglo-Saxon rule ended

Finally, we learnt about the last Anglo-Saxon kings of England and investigating the claims of the contenders to the throne.


Our Spring 1 Good to be Green Treat was pizza making!!!! We used bread, tomato puree and a selection of toppings to create our own pizzas, before eating them with our friends! They were delicious! We can't wait to try them out at home!




In Design technology this half term, our design brief is to design a product that will time a 'mindfulness moment' in our classroom.


In our first lesson we explored and evaluated existing timers and different mindfulness products.



Then, we developed design criteria to ensure that a design brief is met.



We then moved on to Create a code that will control our timer for a mindful moment.



In lesson 4, we developed concepts to communicate our unique ideas about a product. This included making a prototype!




Then, we used computer-aided design to create a brand identity. We created our own logos!



Finally, we evaluated our designs using a trade exhibition. We invited our parents into school to give us some 'user' feedback on our products to help us to understand what the 'customer' likes and what changes may need to be made in the next part of the design process.




This half term, we have been planning our Year 4 Showcase Assembly!.


First, we got into groups who were going to demonstrate their learning of each subject. Then we began to look through everything that we have learnt so far in Year 4 and planned how we were going to present this to our parents.






On Thursday 8th February 2024 we set up out stalls. Each subject that we learn about had its own area where we could show our parents all of the fantastic things that we had learnt! 




Then, we sang a song for our parents before challenging, surprising and interesting them with all of the activities that we had set up to show what we had learnt so far!




'My child liked going on the field trip'

'XXX has been telling us all about learning about the monkey God and the history of RE'

'XXX loved learning about the Ancient Greeks!'


In Science this half term we are exploring the properties of solids, liquids and gases and using observations to draw conclusions.



We then moved on to learn about melting and freezing processes and using thermometers to measure temperature accurately.



In Geography this half term, we are learning all about where our food comes from


First, we made connections between the biomes (we learnt about these last half term), where certain foods grow and the conditions they need to flourish; developing an understanding of food choices and their impact on the environment. we created a news report tell inform our viewers how the food we eat impacts our environment.




Watch our News Report Video's here!


Then we explored the importance of responsible trading through a case study of cocoa bean production in Côte d'Ivoire; considering the benefits and drawbacks of importing food.


We discussed opinions on responsible trade and looking at the journey and process of a cocoa bean from farm to chocolate bar on a shop shelf.


We then used mapping and measuring the calculate distance food travels to reach the UK and using a scale bar to convert measurements.

We discussed and designed data collection methods for qualitative data and conducting an interview.

 We invited our school cook into our lesson to answer the question 'Are our school dinners locally sourced?

 Finally, we wrote a balanced argument describing the advantages and disadvantages of buying local and imported food.


In Design & Technology in Autumn term, we looked at using mechanical systems to create a sling shot car.


We used a range of materials, we  followed instructions to make the chassis of our car and the slingshot launch mechanism, learning that their slingshot cars work by storing kinetic energy in the elastic band before it launches.




Once we had created a net of each side and the roof, we decorated the body of our cars before showing huge amounts of perseverance when attaching the body to the sides! This was really trick to keep hold of while the glue was drying!




Here are some of our final products! We tested them to see which car was the fastest! Kayla-Rose's design came out the best!





Why are the rainforests so important to us?


We began by learning about biomes, ecosystems and tropics: locating rainforests globally, understanding why they occur there and discovering the features of the Amazon rainforest using maps and photographs.





Then we began developing an understanding of vegetation belts and exploring further the ‘tropical grasslands’ of the Amazon rainforest. Learning about the four layers of a rainforest; the vegetation and animals that occupy each; and the adaptations of vegetation in a tropical rainforest biome.


We were particularly interested in learning about indigenous communities in the Amazon rainforest and how they use its resources; how other groups claim rights to the tropical rainforest; identifying changes over time; introducing the concept of deforestation.


We then described why tropical rainforests are important to our Earth; understanding the negative environmental impact humans have on the Amazon rainforest and discussing what can be done to oppose it.



How is our local woodland used?

Visiting a local woodland (Drinkfield Marsh!) to find out how it is used; practising the data collection skills of questioning, sketching and logging live data. We collated and analysed data to identify how people use the woodland; presenting and discussing findings; suggesting ways to improve fieldwork methodology.








In art, we have been using tone to make an observational line drawing look three dimensional and exploring different gradients of pencil.




Next, we applied the skill of creating tone in a new medium; showing an awareness of proportion and thinking about the relative size and shape of the objects they draw.


Then we applied our understanding of tone to the technique of hatching; using pattern and contrast when creating a mixed-media drawing based on the collage compositions from our previously lesson's learning.





Finally, We showcased learning from across the unit by working in groups to create giant prints inspired by our collages and wax-resist drawings.



Finally, we showcased our learning from across the unit by working in groups to create giant prints inspired by their collages and wax-resist drawings.






In Science we have been exploring electrical components and conductivity through circuit building and real life applications.



We made a buzz wire game. We had to make our own switch and investigate what happened if the switch was open and closed! before beginning the lesson we used some role play to show what our circuits would look like using our bodies (demonstrating the flow of electrons)



In music, we have been using using glockenspiels to learn to play a rock and roll bass line!



Rock Around The Clock

Still image for this video

In Maths, we have been using our knowledge of place value to help us to add two, or more, 4-digit numbers. We have been using the manipulatives, alongside column method, to help us complete our calculations that even included one exchange!




Then, we began to add two 4-digit numbers that had more than one exchange! Whilst some of us found this a little more tricky, we were able to demonstrate our resilience and show how successful that we can be!



How do our teeth become damaged?

In Science, we wanted to find out what causes our teeth to become damaged. So, we chose 5 different liquids, that we consume frequently, to carry out our investigation. We used eggs as our teeth (mainly because we couldn't really use actual teeth!) because their shells are made from enamel, which is the part of our teeth that become damaged and causes tooth decay! The results were very surprising! Why not drop by our classroom to ask us what we found?





E-Safety Day

First, we carried out a 'think back' activity to find out what we already know about keeping ourselves safe online.



We learnt about what information about us may be stored online.

Then, we were given some scenarios where we had to chose the answer that we felt was correct.

