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This week we are learning four new sounds - oo ar or ur

Please watch the video for each new sound, one per day. There are two videos for 'oo' - one for the short 'oo' (book/look/cook) and one for the longer 'oo' (moon/soon/boot)

Your child will need a pencil and paper.

Over the week your child could practise writing the new sounds and reading and writing words which contain them.




Lesson 5 oo moon

Our Reception Letters and Sounds Phonics lessons teach children to read letters and begin to blend to read words.

Lesson 6 oo look

Our Reception Letters and Sounds Phonics lessons teach children to read letters and begin to blend to read words.

Lesson 7 ar

Our Reception Letters and Sounds Phonics lessons teach children to read letters and begin to blend to read words.

Lesson 8 or

Our Reception Letters and Sounds Phonics lessons teach children to read letters and begin to blend to read words.

Lesson 9 ur

Our Reception Letters and Sounds Phonics lessons teach children to read letters and begin to blend to read words.
