Home Learning - 14th - 18th March
This week in our journey to 'Storyland' we are visiting the story of 'Little Red Riding Hood'.
We hope your child enjoys completing the activities below.
Please also continue to practise reading at home with their reading book and also use the grapheme cards to play games too.
Home Learning 31st January - 4th February
This week we are continuing on our journey theme and are still exploring rainforests. We are also looking at how the 'Lunar New Year' is celebrated around the world.
The activities for the week can be found by clicking on each star below. ideally if your child can do one thing from each star a day that would be great.
Please also practise reading books the children have in their book bags and share their library book or other stories they have at home. You could also use the grapheme card packs sent home to practise graphemes and make words to read and spell.
Home Learning 24th - 28th January
This week we are continuing on our journey theme and are off to explore rainforests.
Each day click on the stars below and complete the task set for that area for the day.
Please also practise reading books the children have in their book bags and share their library book or other stories they have at home. You could also use the grapheme card packs sent home to practise graphemes and make words to read and spell.
Home Learning - 29th November to 3rd December
Home Learning 8th - 12th November 2021
This week we will be thinking about fireworks we have seen and the festival of Diwali.
Home Learning 4th Oct - 8th Oct
Home Learning - 27th September to 1st October
This is the very first full week of school so the children would be spending time in school getting to know their classroom and playing. Please see the information below for things you could do at home to support your child's learning while they are at home. There is also a video of our story of the week and ideas of things to do from this every day.
In phonics at school we are practising oral blending and segmenting. There are videos below to help you practise this at home with your child.
Story of the Week - 'Brown,Bear, Brown Bear' by Eric Carle
Monday - Listen to the story
Tuesday - Listen and talk about what happened in the story
Wednesday - Try and join in with the story, focusing on the repeated 'What do you see?'
Thursday - Join in as you listen - then think about what you can see
Friday - Listen, join in and then draw a picture about the story
NB: The only video we could find was an American version. Please mute the sound and read the story to your child as the pages appear on the video. Apologies we couldn't upload a staff member reading but we are having technical difficulties.
Friday - Talk like a robot and get your child to tell you what you are saying. Use short, three letter words like c-a-t / d-o-g / h-e-n / t-o-p.
Monday 12th July
We are so sad not to be in school today but we are really looking forward to telling you all about Year 1 and Australasia on our zoom call.
Below are links to some tasks to do today!
See you soon!
Miss Chapman, Miss Dolphin and Miss Turnbull :)
Here are your tasks for today... remember to put them on the blog so we can check out your hard work.
Thank you so much for all of your effort this week! We can't wait to see you Wednesday! Remember it is transition on Monday and Tuesday so you will be in your new classrooms!
Here are the tasks for today... remember to put your work on the blog so that we can see all of the amazing things you have been doing at home!
We look forward to seeing you on zoom!
Here are the tasks for today... remember to put your work on the blog so that we can see all of the amazing things you have been doing at home!
We look forward to seeing you on zoom!
We look forward to seeing you on your zoom sessions this morning!
Here are the tasks for today... you'd better do them or we'll make you walk the plank!
Bubble Closure 5th-9th July 2021
Arghhh me hearties... Unfortunately we are back learning at home, but we have a busy week of pirate themed activities for you!
We look forward to seeing you on zoom (your zoom time has been sent via parentmail).
Click below to find your home learning jobs.
Home Learning for those isolating from 28/6/21 - 2/7/21
This week we will be learning all about butterflies and caterpillars.
Click the stars below for activities and lessons we will be doing at school!
Friday 7th May
Daily zooms will start at 9.30, 10.00 & 10.30.
Today we will be doing some writing so please have a pencil and some paper ready. We look forward to seeing you!
Here are the other tasks for you to complete throughout the day.
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog!
Thursday 6th May
Daily zooms will start at 9.30, 10.00 & 10.30.
Today we will be doing maths. Please have 10 small objects to count and a pencil and paper ready. We look forward to seeing you!
Here are the other tasks for you to complete throughout the day.
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog!
Wednesday 5th May
Daily zooms will start at 9.30, 10.00 & 10.30.
Today we will be doing some writing so please have a pencil and some paper ready. We look forward to seeing you!
Here are the other tasks for you to complete throughout the day.
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog!
Tuesday 4th May
Daily Group Zoom will be a story and writing today. Hope to see you there! You will need something to write with.
Here are the other tasks for the day - there is a maths, phonics, topic and physical job to do!
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog – we love to see all the activities in action!
Friday 30th April
Hello Reception!
Daily zooms will start today at 9.30, 10.00 & 10.30. Today we will be doing some maths so please have ready 10 small objects for an adding activity.
Check Parentmail to see which group you are in and get your zoom link and password. We look forward to seeing you.
Please call the office if you have any issues.
Here are the other tasks for you to complete throughout the day.
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog!
Bubble Closure - Thursday 29th April
Here are some activities you can do with your child today.
There is a task below for writing, phonics and maths.
We will keep you updated when we find out more information about the closure!
See you soon! :)
This week we have been reading the story Jack and the Beanstalk.
Draw your favourite part of the story and write a sentence to match!
Remember you can upload it to the blog!
Watch the video below - it's recapping the digraph ai.
Can you write 5 ai words?
Can you use one of these words in a sentence?
Watch session one from the link below and then complete the following activity.
Home Learning
If you are isolating please use the ideas on the pages below.
We will also deliver a workbook for you to complete at home!
Friday 5th March
Congratulations - you have survived home learning!
Well done for all your hard work! Celebrate by:
- playing your favourite phonics games on www.phonicsplay.com
- doing a dance or listening to your favourite music
- drawing a picture of your favourite things and writing about them
- reading your favourite book.
Thursday 4th March
Check out the activities that Mrs Robert's has put on the home learning page.
9:10 - Liz Million zoom
10:20 - Masked Reader zoom
1:30 Class zoom
The links for all the WBD zooms have been sent via parentmail.
Have lots of fun!!
Wednesday 3rd March
Daily Group Zoom will be phonics today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some maths at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
Here are the other tasks for the day. You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them.
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog – we love to see all the activities in action!
Tuesday 2nd March
Daily Group Zoom will be maths today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some phonics at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
Here are the other tasks for the day. You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them.
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog – we love to see all the activities in action!
Monday 1st March
This week we are going to be finding out all about the season of Spring.
Daily Group Zoom will be phonics today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some maths at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
Here are the other tasks for the day. You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them.
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog – we love to see all the activities in action!
Daily Group Zoom will be phonics today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some maths at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
There will a ‘Scientist of the Week’ assembly today at 1.45pm with Miss Thompson. Tune in to find out who is the Home Learner Scientist for each class and the Reception Key Worker Scientist for each class. The zoom link has be sent via ParentMail.
On Friday it is ‘Golden Time’ – This is our reward for working hard and behaving well at school. You can still do this at home if you think your child deserves it - I’m sure they do! It involves choosing something fun on screen to watch for 45 minutes. Enjoy!!
Here are the other tasks for the day. You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them.
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog – we love to see all the activities in action!
Daily Group Zoom will be maths today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some phonics at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
Here are the other tasks for the day. You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them.
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog – we love to see all the activities in action!
Daily Group Zoom will be phonics today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some maths at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
Here are the other tasks for the day. You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them.
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog – we love to see all the activities in action!
The rest of this week we will be doing some learning around the fantastic book - 'The Colour Monster' by Anna Llenas.
Daily Group Zoom will be maths today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some phonics at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
Here are the other tasks for the day. You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them.
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog – we love to see all the activities in action!
Monday 22nd February
Today is Science Day!
Welcome back everyone. We hope you have all enjoyed a restful half term.
Today is Science Day so the timetable will be a little bit different. Mrs Thompson will be hosting a special Science Zoom at 9.30. A link has been sent out to ParentMail for this.
There will also be a Science Zoom in the afternoon at 12.30.
We hope you and your child enjoy completing today’s tasks.
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog – we love to see all the activities in action!
We'll see you back for more remote learning on Monday 22nd February which is Science Day!
Well done for working so hard - enjoy your half-term break!
Friday 12th February
Daily Group Zoom will be phonics today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some maths at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
There will a ‘Star of the Week’ assembly today at 1.45pm with Mrs Abbott. Tune in to find out who is the Home Learner Star for each class and the Reception Key Worker Star. The zoom link will be sent via ParentMail.
On Friday it is ‘Golden Time’ – This is our reward for working hard and behaving well at school. You can still do this at home if you think your child deserves it - I’m sure they do!. It involves choosing something fun on screen to watch for 45 minutes. Enjoy!!
Here are the other tasks for the day. You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them.
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog – we love to see all the activities in action
Thursday 11th February
Daily Group Zoom will be maths today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some phonics at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
Here are the other tasks for the day. You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them.
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog – we love to see all the activities in action!
Wednesday 10th February
Daily Group Zoom will be phonics today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some maths at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
Here are the other tasks for the day. You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them.
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog – we love to see all the activities in action!
Tuesday 9th February
Daily Group Zoom will be maths today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some phonics at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
Here are the other tasks for the day. You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them.
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog – we love to see all the activities in action!
Monday 8th February
This week’s Traditional Tale is ‘The Gingerbread Man’
Daily Group Zoom will be phonics today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some maths at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
We hope you and your child enjoy completing today’s tasks.
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog – we love to see all the activities in action!
Friday 5th February
Today is French Day.
Our zooms this morning will be French themed. The dress code is red, white and blue.
The activities below are all about France. We hope you learn lots of new things!
Don’t forget to join us at 2:30 - we have a special French story!
There will a ‘Star of the Week’ assembly today at 1.45pm with Mrs Abbott. Tune in to find out who is the Home Learner Star for each class and the Reception Key Worker Star. The zoom link will be sent via ParentMail.
On Friday it is ‘Golden Time’ – This is our reward for working hard and behaving well at school. You can still do this at home if you think your child deserves it - I’m sure they do!. It involves choosing something fun on screen to watch for 45 minutes. Enjoy!!
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog – we love to see all the activities in action!
Thursday 4th February
Daily Group Zoom will be maths today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some phonics at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
Here are the other tasks for the day. You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them.
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog – we love to see all the activities in action!
Wednesday 3rd February
Daily Group Zoom will be phonics today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some maths at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
Here are the other tasks for the day. You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them.
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog – we love to see all the activities in action!
Tuesday 2nd February
Daily Group Zoom will be maths today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some phonics at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
Here are the other tasks for the day. You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them.
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog – we love to see all the activities in action!
This week’s Traditional Tale is ‘Red Riding Hood’
Daily Group Zoom will be phonics today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some maths at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
We hope you and your child enjoy completing today’s tasks.
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog – we love to see all the activities in action!
This week is ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’. The Oak Academy have a special assembly that you can watch live at 9am. The link is:
Daily Group Zoom will be phonics today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some maths at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
There will a ‘Star of the Week’ assembly today at 1.45pm with Mrs Abbott. Tune in to find out who is the Home Learner Star for each class and the Reception Key Worker Star. The zoom link will be sent via ParentMail.
On Friday it is ‘Golden Time’ – This is our reward for working hard and behaving well at school. You can still do this at home if you think your child deserves it - I’m sure they do!. It involves choosing something fun on screen to watch for 45 minutes. Enjoy!!
Here are the other tasks for the day. You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them:
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog – we love to see all the activities in action!
Daily Group Zoom will be maths today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some phonics at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
Here are the other tasks for the day. You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them.
Don’t forget to post what you’ve been doing on your blog – we love to see all the activities in action!
Wednesday 27th January
Daily Group Zoom will be phonics today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some maths at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
We hope you and your child enjoy completing today’s tasks.
Tuesday 26th January
Daily Group Zoom will be maths today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some phonics at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
We hope you and your child enjoy completing today’s tasks.
Monday 25th January
Daily Group Zoom will be phonics today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some maths at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
We hope you and your child enjoy completing today’s tasks.
Friday 22nd January
Daily Group Zoom will be phonics today. Hope to see you there!
Today is 'Dress up Friday'! Your child can attend our afternoon Zoom wearing their favourite fancy dress costume or their favourite outfit. We look forward to seeing your wonderful outfits! The afternoon Zoom will start at 2.30pm for maths and a story.
There will a ‘Star of the Week’ assembly today at 1.45pm with Mrs Abbott. Tune in to find out who is the Home Learner Star for each class and the Reception Key Worker Star. The zoom link will be sent via ParentMail.
On Friday it is ‘Golden Time’ – This is our reward for working hard and behaving well at school. You can still do this at home if you think your child deserves it - I’m sure they do!. It involves choosing something fun on screen to watch for 45 minutes. Enjoy!!
Here are the other tasks for the day. You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them:
Thursday 21st January
Daily Group Zoom will be maths today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some phonics at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
Here are the other tasks for the day. You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them.
Wednesday 20th January
Daily Group Zoom will be phonics today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some maths at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
Here are the other tasks for the day. You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them.
Tuesday 19th January
Daily Group Zoom will be maths today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some phonics at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too! Here are the other tasks for the day. You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them:
Monday 18th January
Daily Group Zoom will be phonics today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some maths at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
We are starting a new topic of Traditional Tales and this week are going to be looking at 'Goldilocks'.
We hope you and your child enjoy completing today’s tasks.
Friday 15th January
Daily Group Zoom will be phonics today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some maths at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
There will a ‘Star of the Week’ assembly today at 1.45pm with Mrs Abbott. Tune in to find out who is the Icicle Home Learner Star and the Reception Key Worker Star. The zoom link will be sent via ParentMail.
On Friday it is ‘Golden Time’ – This is our reward for working hard and behaving well at school. You can still do this at home if you think your child deserves it - I’m sure they do!. It involves choosing something fun on screen to watch for 45 minutes. Enjoy!!
Here are the other tasks for the day. You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them:
Thursday 14th January
Daily Group Zoom will be maths today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some phonics at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
Here are the other tasks for the day. You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them:
Wednesday 13th January
Daily Group Zoom will be phonics today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some maths at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
Here are the other tasks for the day. You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them.
Tuesday 12th January
Daily Group Zoom will be maths today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some phonics at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too! Here are the other tasks for the day.
You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them.
Daily Group Zoom will be phonics today. Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget to join us for a story and some maths at 2.30pm on the whole class zoom too!
Here are the other tasks for the day. You only need your home learning pack we sent home and items around your house to complete them.
Week beginning 04/01/2021
Week beginning 14/12/2020
Week beginning 07/12/2020
Week beginning 30/11/2020
Remember we are still spending a large part of our day in Reception playing in the areas of the classroom. Do not expect your child to be able to spend large amounts of time siting at a table 'working' as the vast majority of our work is practical and play based. See our information below about how you can support your child as they play at home.
If you want extra things for your child to do Oak Academy have lessons for Reception, they can be found at:
Week beginning 23/11/2020
Remember we are still spending a large part of our day in Reception playing in the areas of the classroom. Do not expect your child to be able to spend large amounts of time siting at a table 'working' as the vast majority of our work is practical and play based. See our information below about how you can support your child as they play at home.
If you want extra things for your child to do Oak Academy have lessons for Reception, they can be found at:
Week beginning 16/11/2020
In Maths we will be learning about the number 5.
Watch the Numberblock episodes from Series 1 below all about 5 – episode 7. They are also available on BBC IPlayer.
Episode 7 ‘Five’ – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpH2W3fgUJs
In school we will be exploring number 5. Please look through the ‘All about Number 5’ PowerPoint (below) and work through it with your child. We will also be comparing amounts up to five in ten frames.
You can print out the frames (below) or draw on paper. Then use objects from home to compare how many are in each ten frame. Put up to five objects in each frame. Which frame has more? fewer? Or are they the same?
Practise writing the number 5.
Say the rhyme to help you form the numeral:
“Down her back, there you go, arms out straight, don’t be slow.”
Collect some objects around your home. Can you use the objects to make 5? Is there more than 1 way to make 5? How many different ways can you make 5?
In Literacy this week we are going to be learning all about Diwali.
Download the PowerPoint and read the story about Rama and Sita.
Watch the video to learn the story of Diwali:
Challenge 1:
Draw a picture from the story.
Challenge 2:
Order the pictures from the story and retell it in your own words by downloading the Rama and Sita sequencing cards (below).
Challenge 3:
Write a caption or short sentence to describe what happened in the story.
We will be consolidating our phonics and learning this week. This means we will not be learning a new phoneme (sound) each day but we will be learning to blend (read) and segment (spell).
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Revisit/Review |
Watch Miss Chapman and practise reading the phase 2 graphemes. Join in by saying the phonemes/sounds with her. |
Watch Miss Chapman and practise reading the phase 2 graphemes. Join in by saying the phonemes/sounds with her. |
Watch Miss Chapman and practise reading the phase 2 graphemes. Join in by saying the phonemes/sounds with her. |
Watch Miss Chapman and practise reading the phase 2 graphemes. Join in by saying the phonemes/sounds with her. |
Play a range of games from Phonics Play – Resources –Phase 2 |
Teach |
How do we blend words to read? Watch this video to help you blend: |
How do we segment words to spell? Say a word (cat). Encourage your child to say each sound they can hear in the word cat (c-a-t). Say each of these words and get your child to orally segment them. mat, pen, log, fin, bun |
Did you know some words have the same endings?
Write down and look at these words together: -at words (sat, mat, pat, cat) -op words (mop, top, pop) -an words (man, fan, pan) Talk about rhyme |
Teach blending and segmenting skills using a phoneme frame (each letter/grapheme goes in a different box).
Practise |
Give children a range of 5 letters (so they can make a word, write each letter on a piece of paper). Choose from: S, a, t, p, I, n, m, d, g, o, c, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, l. Play countdown using the letters. Encourage children to make a simple 2/3 letter word. |
Using the letters from yesterday, can you spell out a word? Encourage children to spell a simple 2/3 letter word using the letters. |
Play the rhyming game. Say a word from the list above. Encourage your child to think of as many words that rhyme with that word. |
Children draw lines down paper and write words
top cot bin get
Apply |
Write these words for your child: sat, pin, dog, hat, pet, bus. Encourage your child to put their finger on each letter to read.
Children draw 3 lines down paper (put each letter/grapheme within each line). For example:
Write these words: sun mat bag hop |
Children write word on whiteboard/paper then rub initial sound and change to make new word. Start with pit
Print the phonics pictures provided or draw a picture of simple 3 letter words using the phase 2 sounds. Put the pictures around the room and ask your child to write down the word in phoneme frames.
This week at school we will be learning about Diwali.
Physical Development – Can your child make up their own Diwali dance? Read the Henna PowerPoint to find out about Henna designs. There are hand templates that you can print alternatively draw around your own hand to create your own Henna pattern. If your child finds it difficult draw the Henna pattern, use a highlighter or a light coloured pencil and encourage your child to trace over the top. Encourage them to hold the pen/pencil using a tripod three finger pincer grip.
Creative Development – Read the PowerPoint to find out about Rangoli patterns.
Can you draw or make your own Rangoli patterns?
You could use:
Pasta and rice
Paint and chalk
Pens and pencils
Listen to the music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZU6M4EisyA – does your child like the music? Do they think it sounds like the festival of light? Can they use objects around your house to make their own Diwali music (pans to bang with wooden spoons etc)?
Understanding the World – Watch the following Newsround video to find out about Diwali and talk about what you have learnt.
Remember we are still spending a large part of our day in Reception playing in the areas of the classroom. Do not expect your child to be able to spend large amounts of time siting at a table 'working' as the vast majority of our work is practical and play based. See our information below about how you can support your child as they play at home.
If you want extra things for your child to do Oak Academy have lessons for Reception, they can be found at:
Week beginning 09/11/2020
In Maths we will be learning about the number 4.
Watch the Numberblock episodes from Series 1 below all about 4 – episodes 6. They are also available on BBC IPlayer.
Episode 6 ‘Four’ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXXKQdUw-q0
In school we will be exploring number 4. Please look through the PowerPoint below and work through it with your child. We will also be comparing amounts up to four in five frames. You can print out the frames (below) or draw on paper. Then use objects from home to compare how many are in each five frame. Put up to four objects in each frame. Which frame has more? fewer? Or are they the same?
In Literacy this week we are going to be practising writing CVC words. Use the flashcards sent home by school to see if you can spell out words using them. Use the list of words in the phonics section below for some ideas of words. Then your child can complete the CVC writing task (below), if you don’t have a printer they can write the words on paper, you could always draw the pictures for them or they could look at them on the screen. Draw boxes like the sheet to help your child work out which sound is at the beginning, middle and end of each word.
If your child manages to do this easily then you can try the challenge activity, which is to have a go at writing captions. The sheet can be printed below or if you don’t have a printer children can just write on paper. Help your child to write ‘a red dog’ under the first picture and then see if they can do ‘a red cat’ with less or no help.
This week in school we will be assessing the children each day in our phonics time as we have reached the end of ‘Phase 2’ with our phonics. We will assess your child on their return so do not worry they are not missing the assessment.
Play some games each day with your child on the website www.letters-and-sounds.com each day. Go to the Phase 2 games section and there are lots to choose from. Two or three games a day will really help them to consolidate and practise what we have learnt so far in phonics.
You can try writing three letter words using the letters the children have been taught and see if they can blend them to read them. You can say a word and see if they can write down the sounds they hear in the word spell it.
Some words you can use – sat, sit, pat, pin, tap, tin, pin, sat, mat, map, din, dim, cat, cot, mop, tig, gas, tip, top, pan, man, can, put, sun, pet, sock, pack, run, rap, hop, hat, bat, bun, fun, fit, leg, log…….
Your child can practise writing the letters. The letter formation can be found in the home learning information further below.
This week at school we will be thinking about Remembrance day, including a two minute silence at 11am on Wednesday.
Physical Development
Poppy day pencil control sheets can be printed below. There are some scissor skill sheets as well to help your child practise using scissors – please ensure children are supervised when using scissors.
Creative Development
There are various Poppy activities that you can do at home. Your child can draw poppies. People are putting them in windows so they could do this. There are also ideas to make poppy art with hand prints and other painting ideas if you have the materials at home. There are lots of ideas on line if you google. Look on https://laughingkidslearn.com/11-poppy-crafts-for-kids/ for ideas. You could also listen to war-time songs on YouTube.
Understanding the World
Watch the CBeebies Remembrance Day animation and talk about it. There is a PowerPoint (below) which you can talk through with your child too to explain about why we have Remembrance Day and its significance.
Remember we are still spending a large part of our day in Reception playing in the areas of the classroom. Do not expect your child to be able to spend large amounts of time siting at a table 'working' as the vast majority of our work is practical and play based. See our information below about how you can support your child as they play at home.
If you want extra things for your child to do Oak Academy have lessons for Reception, they can be found at:
Week beginning 02/11/2020
In Maths we will be learning about the number 3.
Watch the White Rose home learning videos - there is one for each day.
We are doing the 'It’s Me 1 2 3' and are on week 2. It can be found at:
Watch the Numberblocks episodes from Series 1 below all about 3 – episodes 4 and 5. They are also available on BBC IPlayer.
Episode 4 ‘Three’ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bkufsme9qiA
Episode 5 ‘One,Two,Three’ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3bhOQyi2Lo
In school we will be counting items in groups of 1,2 and 3 – give your child sets of objects to count. There is a recording sheet you can print (below) and they can count the objects and write the correct numeral for how many there are. If you can’t print you can draw sets of objects (1,2 or 3) and your child can write the numeral next to the group. We will also be counting out 3 1p coins to make 3p, ordering the numbers 1,2,3 and using numicon to make 3 using different combinations (partitioning) – there is a sheet below to print so your child can do this at home.
In Literacy this week we are going to be making up stories. We will choose items from the classroom and use them to make up a story. You can try this with items at home:
Character – use small world toys, lego people or pictures from magazines
Setting – choose where your story will be set
Problem – what happens to your character – you could use dinosaur toys, wild animal toys or something from your home to be a problem
Resolution – how does your character solve the problem, does someone help them (Police, Suprhero, Friend etc)
You could find items to represent each part of the story or your or your child could draw pictures for each part. Then use the props/pictures to help to tell the story.
We will be continuing our phonics and learning h b f l this week. We learn one new sound each day.
Watch the following videos each day so that you child learns about the same letters we are doing at school. There are two videos each day – part 1 and part 2 :
The videos can be found at: https://lettersandsounds.org.uk/for-home/reception
Monday h Lesson 21 Part 1 and 2
Tuesday b Lesson 22 Part 1 and 2
Wednesday f Lesson 23 Part 1 and 2
Thursday l Lesson 34 Part 1 and 2
Friday Lesson 25 – Review of the week
After you have watched the videos each day can you find things that start with that letter around the house ? Can you write the sounds on a piece of paper and can your child tell you the sound it makes when you point to it? Remember to practise all the sounds we have done so far. Use your child’s purple book to practise all the sounds.
You can try writing three letter words using the letters the children have been taught and see if they can blend them to read them. You can say a word and see if they can write down the sounds they hear in the word spell it.
Some words you can use – sat, sit, pat, pin, tap, tin, pin, sat, mat, map, din, dim, cat, cot, mop, tig, gas, tip, top, pan, man, can, put, sun, pet, sock, pack, run, rap, hop, hat, bat, bun, fun, fit, leg, log…….
Your child can practise writing the letters. The letter formation can be found in the home learning information further below.
There are also the phonics activity sheet we will be doing in school below to help your child practise writing CVC words using this weeks sounds.
This week at school we will be thinking about Bonfire Night
Physical Development – Can your child move like a firework? There are pencil control sheets below on a firework theme which you can print. If you don’t have a printer use a pencil or highlighter and make some firework patterns for your child to draw over. Encourage them to hold the pen/pencil using a tripod three finger pincer grip.
Creative Development – Watch some fireworks on You Tube and then see of your child can draw some fireworks. If you have any black paper chalk works well to make fireworks. You can also try splattering paint from a paint brush , blowing paint with a straw or toilet roll printing to make firework pictures. Listen to Handel’s famous ‘Fireworks Overture’ music – does your child like the music? Do they think it sounds like fireworks. Can they use objects around your house to make their own fireworks music (pans to bang with wooden spoons etc)
Understanding the World – Watch the following YouTube all about Bonfire night and look at the PowerPoint below to find out about why we celebrate Bonfire Night.
Remember we are still spending a large part of our day in Reception playing in the areas of the classroom. Do not expect your child to be able to spend large amounts of time siting at a table 'working' as the vast majority of our work is practical and play based. See our information below about how you can support your child as they play at home.
If you want extra things for your child to do Oak Academy have lessons for Reception, they can be found at:
Week beginning 19/10/2020
This week in school we are going to be listening and talking about the book ‘Room on the Broom’ by Julia Donaldson
You can read the story if you have it at home or watch it on this link:
In Maths we will be learning about the number 1 and number 2.
Watch the White Rose home learning videos - there is one for each day.
We are doing the 'It’s Me 1 2 3' and are on week 1. It can be found at:
Watch the Numberblocks episodes below all about 1 and 2. They are also available on BBC IPlayer.
Episode 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7APNVVdrx5M
Episode 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thS8hjX-l0Y
Episode 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyRFdFSGsgQ
In school we are making a Halloween Potion. You can print the work below or you could draw a cauldron on piece of paper and draw the items for your child to stick in. they have to stick the number of items shown in the recipe at the side. Your child could draw straight into a cauldron picture if you don’t have scissors and glue to do the cutting and sticking.
In Literacy we are going to talk about the story. Can your child tell you what happened in the story? We are going to try and write the following words using the letters we have learnt.
dog cat sat sad tap
There is a sheet below which you can print off and help your child to write the words next to each picture. If you don’t have a printer you could draw the pictures or just try writing the words on paper. Help them to listen to the sound at the beginning – middle – end of the word. You can write all the sounds on a piece of paper for them to find and copy if they are unsure of how to write them.
We will be continuing our phonics and learning ck e u r this week. We learn one new sound each day.
Watch the following videos each day so that you child learns about the same letters we are doing at school. There are two videos each day – part 1 and part 2 :
Monday ck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gY7448bXLJI&feature=youtu.be
Tuesday e https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iF-2HlavdcM&feature=youtu.be
Wednesday u https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32QRcAD09K0&feature=youtu.be
Thursday r https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DX9rNXLKoUI&feature=youtu.be
After you have watched the videos each day can you find things that start with that letter around the house ? Can you write the sounds on a piece of paper and can your child tell you the sound it makes when you point to it? Remember to practise all the sounds we have done so far, including s a t p from last week.
You can try writing three letter words using the letters the children have been taught and see if they can blend them to read them. You can say a word and see if they can write down the sounds they hear in the word spell it.
Some words you can use – sat, sit, pat, pin, tap, tin, pin, sat, mat, map, din, dim, cat, cot, mop, tig, gas, tip, top, pan, man, can, put, sun, pet, sock, pack, run, rap…….
Your child can practise writing the letters. The letter formation can be found in the home learning information further below.
Physical Development – Moving like the animals in the story, acting out the story or making up their own obstacle course in the garden. If you have trees in the garden could they make a broomstick out of twigs and try to fly on it! You could use a sweeping brush if not!
Creative Development – Your child could draw the characters from the story or draw/paint a Halloween picture. In school we will be making scary spiders and if you would like one posting out just let us know. You could make up Halloween rhymes or songs. There are lots of ideas for Halloween crafts on-line.
Understanding the World – Talk about Halloween and what people like to do at Halloween. If you have a pumpkin at home you could carve it and look at what is inside the pumkin when you cut it. You could dry the seeds and try planting them.
We have put some other activities linked to the story and Halloween for you to print out and do at home - see below.
Remember we are still spending a large part of our day in Reception playing in the areas of the classroom. Do not expect your child to be able to spend large amounts of time siting at a table 'working' as the vast majority of our work is practical and play based. See our information below about how you can support your child as they play at home.
If you want extra things for your child to do Oak Academy have lessons for Reception, they can be found at:
Week beginning 12/10/2020
This week in school we are going to be listening and talking about the book ‘Leaf Man’ by Lois Ehlert
You can read the story if you have it at home or watch it on this link:
In Maths we are making repeated patterns.
Watch the White Rose home learning videos - there is one for each day.
We are doing the 'Just Like Me' and are on week 3. It can be found at:
You can make repeating patterns with objects from around your house (i.e biscuit/cake/biscuit/cake or with lego bricks red brick/yellow brick/red brick/yellow brick).
There is a pattern sheet below where your child can draw what comes next in the pattern. If you don’t have a printer you could do this with practical objects or by drawing a pattern and seeing if they can draw the next picture in the pattern correctly.
In Literacy we are going to talk about what we know about autumn and then draw a picture and write about it. If you have highlighter pens at home you could write a sentence about autumn and your child could write over the top.
We will be continuing our phonics and learning g o c k this week. We learn one new sound each day.
Watch the following videos each day so that you child learns about the same letters we are doing at school. There are two videos each day – part 1 and part 2 :
Monday g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6cOcSJLXo0&feature=youtu.be
Tuesday o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0GvbRAYqpU&feature=youtu.be
Wednesday c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjHq1EbOtPE&feature=youtu.be
Thursday k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=au8edtdBO3w&feature=youtu.be
After you have watched the videos each day can you find things that start with that letter around the house ? Can you write the sounds on a piece of paper and can your child tell you the sound it makes when you point to it? Remember to practise all the sounds we have done so far, including s a t p from last week.
You can try writing three letter words using the letters the children have been taught and see if they can blend them to read them. You can say a word and see if they can write down the sounds they hear in the word spell it. Some words you can use – sat, sit, pat, pin, tap, tin, pin, sat, mat, map, din, dim, cat, cot, mop, tig, gas, tip, top, pan, man, can.
Your child can practise writing the letters. The letter formation can be found in the home learning information further below.
Physical Development – Outside play in the garden, finding leaves from the trees in your garden if you have any. Jigsaws and building with lego can help fine motor skills.
Creative Development – You can make your own leaf man using actual leaves or by cutting out leaf shapes from paper. You can try leaf rubbing or printing. Your children could draw things they like doing in Autumn. Encourage your child to add details to their drawings.
Understanding the World - Try and find out more about what happens in Autumn. There is a PowerPoint below to look at. There is also a video on YouTube that can be watched:
We have put some other activities linked to the story for you to print out and do at home - see below.
Remember we are still spending a large part of our day in Reception playing in the areas of the classroom. Do not expect your child to be able to spend large amounts of time siting at a table 'working' as the vast majority of our work is practical and play based. See our information below about how you can support your child as they play at home.
If you want extra things for your child to do Oak Academy have lessons for Reception, they can be found at:
This week in school we are going to be listening and talking about the book 'After the Storm' by Nick Butterworth, it is one of the 'Percy the Park Keeper' stories.
You can read the story if you have it at home or watch it on this link:
In Maths we are going to be talking about comparing items - the size of them and the amount (more and fewer).
Watch the White Rose home learning videos - there is one for each day.
We are doing the 'Just Like Me' and are on week 2. It can be found at:
You can then compare the sizes of items in your home or things your child plays with. You can get sets of objects and work out which set has more and which set has fewer. There is an activity sheet below you can print and your child can colour the set with 'more'. If you don't have a printer you could draw two sets of shapes and they could colour the set with more. Put items from home into size order. There is a cut and stick activity below that you child can complete and put the pictures in size order, if you don't have a printer you can draw some pictures of differing sizes for your child to cut around and put in size order.
In Literacy we are going to re-tell the story using the story characters, you could do this at home - the characters can be printed off (see below), if you don't have a printer you could use cuddly toys or draw pictures of the characters and cut those out. Can your child re-tell the story to you? Use the pictures in the book to help them if they need to remember what happened.
We will be continuing our phonics and learning i n m d this week. We learn one new sound each day.
Watch the following videos each day so that you child learns about the same letters we are doing at school :
Monday i https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTf2tLeX5A8&feature=youtu.be
Tuesday n https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jb7bXJRkLBE&feature=youtu.be
Wednesday m https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYoS9o7pXi0&feature=youtu.be
Thursday d https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-91wZedIs6E&feature=youtu.be
Friday Review of the Week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5w9Ax-uiQM&feature=youtu.be
After you have watched the video each day can you find things that start with that letter around the house ? Can you write the sounds on a piece of paper and can your child tell you the sound it makes when you point to it? Remember to practise all the sounds we have done so far, including s a t p from last week.
Your child can practise writing the letters. The letter formation can be found in the home learning information further below.
Physical Development - Your child could make a bridge or tree house using construction toys (i.e. lego) they have at home. Outside they could play in the garden and re-enact the story.
Creative Development - Your child could draw or paint pictures from the story. If you have trees in your garden can you collect some leaves and draw around them, do leaf rubbings with crayons or leaf prints with paint. You could use leaves stuck on paper/card and make a leaf crown.
Understanding the World - Try and find out more about what happens in Autumn. There is a PowerPoint below to look at. There is also a video on YouTube that can be watched:
We have put some other activities linked to the story for you to print out and do at home - see below.
Remember we are still spending a large part of our day in Reception playing in the areas of the classroom. Do not expect your child to be able to spend large amounts of time siting at a table 'working' as the vast majority of our work is practical and play based. See our information below about how you can support your child as they play at home.
If you want extra things for your child to do Oak Academy have lessons for Reception, they can be found at:
This week in school we are going to be listening and talking about 'The Gruffalo'.
You can read the story if you have it at home or watch it on this link:
In Literacy we are going to draw a picture of our favourite part of the story, you could do this at home. Can your child re-tell the story to you? Use the pictures in the book to help them if they need to remember what happened.
In Maths we are going to try counting the cheese that the mouse likes to eat. You could use actual bits of cheese or cut up pieces of paper and colour them yellow to be the cheese. Practice counting different amounts to 10 by lining the cheese up and pointing at each one as you count them. Remind the children that the last number they say tells them how many there are.
We will be starting our phonics and learning s a t p this week.
The following videos will be useful for your child to learn the sounds the letters make:
s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMEvxTGvi4c
a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6fxDt4nV64
t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTSbzsSfTgs
p https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_NmgZWvWG4
After you have watched the video each day can you find things that start with that letter around the house just like Geraldine the giraffe does? Can you write the sounds on a piece of paper and can your child tell you the sound it makes when you point to it?
Your child can practise writing the letters. The letter formation can be found in the home learning information below.
Physical Development - Can your child move like the animals in the story? You could re-tell the story outside moving around your garden.
Creative Development - Your child could make a painting of the characters or the whole story. Listen to the Gruffalo song and try and join in at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSc4TQshebk
Understanding the World - Try and find out more about what it is like in a wood. The woodland facts below can help.
Remember we are still spending a large part of our day in Reception playing in the areas of the classroom. Do not expect your child to be able to spend large amounts of time siting at a table 'working' as the vast majority of our work is practical and play based. See our information below about how you can support your child as they play at home.
If you want extra things for your child to do Oak Academy have lessons for Reception, they can be found at:
Reception Home Learning
At present we are settling the children into school and carrying out initial assessments to see where they are in their learning. They are spending much of their time in school playing and getting to know the classroom areas. Do not worry if your child is unwell or isolating at home we will catch this up with them when they return. You will of course want to keep doing things with your child while they wait to come back to school. Below are some ideas for you along with some activities you can download if you wish and print at home for them to do.
Please remember Reception at this point in the year is a very play based environment so do not expect your child to be able to spend long periods of time sat at a table or doing activities not of their choosing. Children at this age will benefit from lots of time playing with their toys and if they are well enough or isolating spending time in the garden. Please try to limit screen time as it is much better for them to be moving around physically for most of the day. If you have time you can replicate the role of the teacher by playing with them and talking to them as they play. Helping them to work out how to solve problems ('How can we get the blocks to balance and not fall over?' or 'How can we make our lego model look more like a castle?') will be very beneficial to them as will be listening to them and answering the many questions they will ask (for example'I am not sure what you call those bits on the top of a castle but let's look on my phone and google it to find out together').
Once we begin phonics, maths and other activities with children at school we will update this page to provide links for you to do similar things at home.
If you need any help or advice at all please contact the school office on 01325 253300 or e-mail admin@harrowgatehillpri.darlington.sch.uk and your child's teacher will be in touch.
Mrs Aitken
Assistant Headteacher
Reception Ideas for Home Learning
Tips to help your child enjoy reading
This is the foundation of reading. Tell family stories, ask your child questions, answer their questions and ask them to recount things that they have done in the day. Encourage them to tell you what they think or feel and sing songs, recite rhymes and just have fun with language.
Read together every day (if possible!)
Children love routine, and reading is something that you and your child can look forward to every day.
Lead by example
If your child sees you reading, for pleasure or information, they will understand that reading is a worthwhile activity. Let them see the pleasure to be found in being engrossed in a good book, newspaper or magazine!
Make reading fun
Reading aloud can be a lot of fun. You can use different voices for different characters in the story and read stories that have repetitive parts and encourage your child to join in.
Talk about books
Discussing a book with your child helps them understand it, as well as helping to enrich their vocabulary. Encourage your child to ask questions and to comment on the story and pictures in a book.
Reading to your child
Ideally, this should happen at least 2 times over each week. It is a great way to settle your child at night and have some quality time together.
Quiet reading
Take time to sit down quietly, reading something whilst your child is quietly looking at a book. This could be a comic, picture book or a book your child finds easy.
Sharing a book
Sharing a book together, talking about the pictures, the characters or their favourite part of the story.
Tips to help your child enjoy writing
Strengthening arm and hand muscles
In order to write children need strong arm and hand muscles. Lots of physical play in the garden will help strengthen arms along with dancing and movement rhymes (like Incy Wincey Spider). Hand muscles can be strengthened with threading, jigsaws or picking up small things like frozen peas with their thumb and first finger and moving them from one dish to another.
Using a variety of writing tools
Encourage your child to draw and make marks using felt tips, pencil crayons, pens or other things like sticks in mud when in the garden. Paint brushes dipped in water to make marks and draw/write outside in the sun can be fun too! They can try to write their name using a capital letter for the first letter only. If you have highlighter pens you can make lines, shapes and letters for them to trace over with a pen or pencil. Please try and encourage the correct formation for letters (see below).
Encourage them to use a tripod grip if possible.
Tips to help your child enjoy numbers and counting
Sorting and matching come before counting – can they sort a box of household items into sets? (i.e. sort washing into socks/pants/t-shirts/trousers or their toys into colours) Can they match two items that are the same (matching socks etc) or items that go together like knife and fork or cup and saucer?
Try to encourage counting in their play – saying one number as they touch each item. Show them how it is easier to count a larger amount by lining them up or moving them as you count.
Talk about numbers in the environment and in everyday situations.
Count claps/jumps and objects together.
Correctly sequence magnetic numbers or numbers you have written and cut out yourselves.
Practise reading and writing numbers 1-5.
Play/physical activity
Running is a fun and simple activity that strengthens the children’s muscles and bones. Also, encourage children to race by using a space hopper, doing an egg and spoon race, a sack race or a fancy dress relay race!
Obstacle Course
Create an obstacle course to enhance the children’s development in numerous areas such as balance and coordination. Try using obstacles for the children to jump to and from, also to climb under and over.
Throwing activities help to improve a child’s hand-eye coordination, motor skills and timing. There are countless throwing games that you can try with the children, such as throwing balls through hoops, shooting in basketball and netball games, hitting a target with bean bags in a throwing game or aiming an object at a large target board or set of cans.
If you play a child’s favourite song, it is guaranteed to make their body move! Dancing promotes cooperation and increases flexibility and stamina. Encourage the children to invent their own dances and give them props such as colourful dance rings, scarves, pom poms or wands to inspire their creativity even further!
Skipping is a fun activity which improves a child’s heart rate, coordination and agility.
Trampolining is an enjoyable cardiovascular activity that increases a child’s heart rate, builds strength and tones muscles. Most kids love to jump on a trampoline, so why not introduce them to a mini trampoline and engage them in games such as knee jumping, jumping on one leg or counting with each jump.
Tug of War
Tug of war is an entertaining and competitive activity that enhances a child’s strength and resistance. Use a piece of rope or a strong scarf.
Drawing and Painting
Encourage your child to draw or paint pictures of people they know or things that they like. Talk to them as they draw to encourage them to add detail (Does your person have arms? What colour hair do they need? etc)
Above all else, have fun as they learn!
Remember to keep talking with your child throughout the day as talking skills are very important. Take some time without the distraction of the television, screens or phone to play a game with them, talk about what they are doing or make up stories together with their toys. Remind them to look at the person they are listening to or talking to and to take turns in a conversation.
The home learning for reception for this week and previous weeks is below. Please do as much as you can with your child. We would appreciate greatly if you could practice the phonic sounds with your child each day if possible as it is really important they remember these.You can use the flashcards below and we also have two videos which you can play of Mrs Aitken and Miss Chapman which will help the children to say the sounds each day. These videos can be found in the video centre on the Home Learning page of the website. Thank you
Reception Home Learning 13th – 17th July
Our learning this week is based on the book:
How Many Legs?
(As read by Mrs Wilkinson on the school website and Facebook page)
Over the week:
Remember to do what you can and that a play based approach will work best. Do not expect the children to sit for too long and whatever you can do is appreciated.
The children might like to:
- Write about the story of How Many Legs?
- Write about an animal with lots of legs.
- Write a party invite for all the animals you would like to invite to your tea party.
- Or anything else they are interested in.
Writing paper is available below to download if needed.
Whatever they write about we would love to see their writing (and pictures!) so please upload some photos on their blog so we can see their writing.
There are new Phonics lessons on YouTube from the Department of Education. There are lessons each day for Reception. These can be accessed at: https://wandleenglishhub.org.uk/lettersandsounds
Alternatively, you could follow our daily timetable.
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Revise all sounds |
Practise all sounds (single letters, digraphs and trigraphs) using flashcards in learning pack or watch the videos of Mrs Aitken and Miss Chapman practising them. (videos are in the home learning section of the website or on school Facebook page) Practise reading all the tricky words using flashcards from learning pack or writing on paper. |
Play a game
Treasure or Trash
Write the following words onto paper then cut them out. Now ask your child to divide them into two piles: Treasure (real words) and Trash (nonsense words):
bark coat seen part short narl pown pait teng |
Display the digraphs ch, ow, ar and or in different parts of the room. Say a word then see if your child can find the matching digraph:
chick chat chin how cow towel hard farm dark fort corn sort
Word Hunt
Hide the following words around the house/garden for your child to find. Ask them to bring them to you and read them:
foal mixer fear soon swing sigh hail
Rhyme words
How many words can you write that rhyme with hoop? (these can include nonsense words, e.g., noop, foop)
Challenge: Can you write a sentence using one of these words?
Tricky Word Challenge
How many tricky words can you find in your favourite story book?
Can you write the tricky words all by yourself?
Read the tricky words one by one and see if your child can write them.
Read |
Can you hear that?
Are you running with me? |
All my plums are high up in the tree.
We can cook fish. |
My hat was in her hand.
The cow was running fast! |
I can see a green chick.
We ran in the rain.
The town was dark. |
Dictated sentence |
The car was_____.
How many different sentences can you write? |
I had _____ for my dinner.
How many different sentences can you write? |
We can see a ____.
How many different sentences can you write? |
She is going to the _____.
How many different sentences can you write? |
If your child can read all of the tricky words on sight by themselves then you could always introduce the Phase 4 tricky words for them to start learning a couple at a time. We have previously sent flashcards you can download or they are in the home learning on the class pages of the website.
Phase 4 Tricky Words – said, have, like, so, do, some, come, little, there, were, one, what, when, out
Each day try to do the following:
Monday |
Practise sharing! Get a group of 10 objects and try to share them out equally onto two plates or into two circles you have drawn. Now do the same with another even amount of objects (12,16,20?) |
Tuesday |
Do the same as yesterday but use 9 objects. Share them equally onto 3 plates. Now do the same with 12 then 15 objects. |
Wednesday |
Get some sweets or cakes or raisins and share them equally between you and your family. Have you got an equal amount? Is it fair? Are there any left over? |
Thursday |
Do the ‘Feed the Minibeast Sharing’ activity sheet (below) and share out the food equally to the mini beasts:
Friday |
Have an indoor or outdoor picnic. Make sure you share out all the food equally with everyone at the picnic! |
If you would like to do more maths then you could try any of the following:
Sharing worksheets (below)
Draw some pictures of different animals together and count how many legs. Can you write a number addition sentence to go with your picture?
White Rose Maths has produced a daily video of maths ideas for each day this week. This is based around the theme of the book ‘How Many Legs?’ this week.
There are also maths lessons available from ‘The Oak Academy’ an on-line school that has been set up with the support of the Department for Education. There are a number of maths lessons for reception each week.
Top Marks (www.topmarks.co.uk) has lots of maths games to practise key skills. Try some of the following:
Maths can be practised lots through play activities so encourage your child to count, find more/less, add and subtract items when they are playing.
Things you could make related to this week’s story:
Paper insects with legs A butterfly foot painting
Reception Home Learning 6th – 10th July
Our learning this week is based on the book
The Dinosaur That Pooped a Planet
(As read by Mrs Wilkinson on the school website and Facebook page.)
Over the week:
Remember to do what you can and that a play based approach will work best. Do not expect the children to sit for too long and whatever you can do is appreciated.
The children might like to:
- Write about the story of The Dinosaur That Pooped a Planet.
- Write about their perfect packed lunch.
- Write a story about a spaceship.
- Write about one of their best friends.
- Or anything else they are interested in.
Writing paper is provided below if you need it.
Whatever they write about we would love to see their writing (and pictures!) so please upload some photos on their blog so we can see their writing.
There are new Phonics lessons on YouTube from the Department of Education. There are lessons each day for Reception. These can be accessed at: https://wandleenglishhub.org.uk/lettersandsounds
Alternatively, you could follow our daily timetable.
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Revise all sounds |
Practise all sounds (single letters, digraphs and trigraphs) using flashcards in learning pack or watch the videos of Mrs Aitken and Miss Chapman practising them. (videos are in the home learning section of the website or on school Facebook page) Practise reading all the tricky words using flashcards from learning pack or writing on paper. |
Play a game
Treasure or Trash
Write the following words onto paper then cut them out. Now ask your child to divide them into two piles: Treasure (real words) or Trash (nonsense words):
park noil hair hurt shart tail lorg that
Display the digraphs oo, oa, ai and qu in different parts of the room. Say a word then see if your child can find the matching digraph:
quick quiet queen hoot soot pool hail snail fail float coat boat |
Word Hunt
Hide the following words around the room. Get your child to find them, bring them to you and read them:
bark clown weep buzz queen short
Rhyme words
How many words can you write that rhyme with hear? (fear, near, tear, clear… These can also include nonsense words)
Challenge: Can you write a sentence using one of these words?
Tricky Word Challenge
How many tricky words can you find in one of your favourite books?
Can you write the tricky words all by yourself?
Read the tricky words one by one and see if your child can write them.
Read |
We can see a shop!
My dad has hurt his foot. |
She has all her sweets.
Can they go to the pool? |
You are my big sister.
The dog was big and brown. |
How much can he sing?
I can feel her hand.
Dictated sentence |
Can you see a _____?
How many different sentences can you write? |
We are going to _____.
How many different sentences can you write? |
The king has ____.
How many different sentences can you write? |
They can hear the _____.
How many different sentences can you write? |
If your child can read all of the tricky words on sight by themselves then you could always introduce the Phase 4 tricky words for them to start learning a couple at a time. We have previously sent flashcards you can download or they are in the home learning on the class pages of the website.
Phase 4 Tricky Words – said, have, like, so, do, some, come, little, there, were, one, what, when, out
Each day try to do the following:
Monday |
Practise counting in 5’s up to 100. |
Tuesday |
Count in 5’s up to 100 and write each number down as you go. |
Wednesday |
Get a grown up to write some subtraction number sentences using the numbers 5,10,15 and 20 then see if you can work out the answers. You could use objects to help you. |
Thursday |
Can you write some addition number sentences for your grown up using the numbers 5,10 and 20 then check if they have got them right! |
Friday |
Play shops with 5p’s. Practise buying things and selling things to your grown up. Make sure you give them the correct change! |
If you would like to do more maths then you could try any of the following:
Dinosaur maths sheets (below)
White Rose Maths has produced a daily video of maths ideas for each day this week. This is based around the theme of the book ‘The Dinosaur That Pooped a Planet’ this week.
There are also maths lessons available from ‘The Oak Academy’ an on-line school that has been set up with the support of the Department for Education. There are a number of maths lessons for reception each week.
Top Marks (www.topmarks.co.uk) has lots of maths games to practise key skills. Try some of the following:
Maths can be practised lots through play activities so encourage your child to count, find more/less, add and subtract items when they are playing.
What was your favourite part of the story? Can you draw it?
Try the book linked worksheets (below)
How many planets are there in our solar system? Watch this video to find out more: https://youtu.be/mQrlgH97v94
Can you find out how long ago dinosaurs existed and why they became extinct?
Can you find a picture of the latest rocket to fly to the International Space Station?
Was it designed by NASA or Elon Musk?
Things you could make related to this week’s story:
A Space Picture A Rocket A Dinosaur Collage
Reception Home Learning 29th June - 3rd July
Our work this week is based on
Oliver’s Vegetables
(As read by Mrs Wilkinson on the school website and Facebook page)
Over the week:
Remember to do what you can and that a play based approach will work best. Do not expect the children to sit for too long and whatever you can do is appreciated.
The children might like to:
- Write about the story of Oliver’s Vegetables
- Write about their favourite meal.
- Write about a family member. (A grandad, nana, dad, aunty, etc?)
- Practise writing the days of the week. They could write about their favourite day.
- Or anything else they are interested in.
Writing paper is available below to download and print if you need it.
Whatever they write about we would love to see their writing (and pictures!) so please upload some photos on their blog so we can see their writing.
There are new Phonics lessons on YouTube from the Department of Education. There are lessons each day for Reception. These can be accessed at: https://wandleenglishhub.org.uk/lettersandsounds
Alternatively, you could follow our daily timetable.
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Revise all sounds |
Practise all sounds (single letters, digraphs and trigraphs) using flashcards in learning pack or watch the videos of Mrs Aitken and Miss Chapman practising them. (videos are in the home learning section of the website or on school Facebook page) Practise reading all the tricky words using flashcards from learning pack or writing on paper. |
Play a game
Word Hunt
Hide the following words around the house/garden for your child to find. Ask them to read the words and to draw a picture of the words they find.
owl turnip coin chair park carrot
Splat Write the following words on paper. Ask your child to help you spell.
road toad seem rush wash fear
Now get your child to close their eyes while you put them in a random order on the ground or table. Now say a word and your child has to find it and ‘splat’ it with their hand. |
Draw the following and get your child to guess what you are drawing and write it down.
fork chip arm ear tree
Rhyme words
How many words can your child write that rhyme with sing?
thing king wing
(you can also use nonsense words, eg, ling, ning, ting)
Challenge: Can you write a sentence using one of these words?
Tricky Word Challenge
How many tricky words can you find in a favourite story book?
Can you write the tricky words all by yourself?
Read the tricky words one by one and see if your child can write them.
Read |
The child has a hood.
The cat can turn into a cow! |
I can feel a soft flower.
I can see my foot. |
They can chop wood.
Has the fish hurt you? |
We went to the high tower.
She wants her hair cut.
Dictated sentence |
The sheep has a_____.
How many different sentences can you write? |
The dish ran away with ___.
How many different sentences can you write? |
My hair is ____.
How many different sentences can you write? |
I got ____ at the shop.
How many different sentences can you write? |
If your child can read all of the tricky words on sight by themselves then you could always introduce the Phase 4 tricky words for them to start learning a couple at a time. We have previously sent flashcards you can download or they are in the home learning on the class pages of the website.
Phase 4 Tricky Words – said, have, like, so, do, some, come, little, there, were, one, what, when, out
Each day try to do the following:
Monday |
Can you count in tens up to 100? How far can you get? 10,20,30,40……. |
Tuesday |
How many groups of 10 are in 20, 30 and 40? Use small objects to help you find out. |
Wednesday |
Can you find out what is half of 10, 20 and 30 using small objects and two plates to share them out equally? |
Thursday |
Can you say the days of the week in order? Try the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GKmCQOy88Y Can you cut and stick the days in order (worksheet - below) |
Friday |
Draw your favourite day of the week and write what you do on that day. |
If you would like to do more maths then you could try any of the following:
Counting in 10s worksheet (below)
Counting vegetables sheets – easier and harder (below)
Vegetable addition sheets (below)
White Rose Maths has produced a daily video of maths ideas for each day this week. This is based around the theme of the book ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’ this week.
There are also maths lessons available from ‘The Oak Academy’ an on-line school that has been set up with the support of the Department for Education. There are a number of maths lessons for reception each week.
Top Marks (www.topmarks.co.uk) has lots of maths games to practise key skills. Try some of the following:
Maths can be practised lots through play activities so encourage your child to count, find more/less, add and subtract items when they are playing.
Can you draw and label five different types of vegetable?
With a grown up cut open some fruits – can you find the seeds? Try planting some of them.
Have a go at eating a vegetable or fruit you have never tried before.
Can you help a grown up to make a vegetarian soup or meal?
Can you find out why vegetables are so good for us?
If you have paint can you make a vegetable print picture? (If you don’t have
paint you could use water and try printing on a flat surface outside?)
Can you find out what vegetables need to grow? This song might give you a clue…
Things you could make related to this weeks story:
Days of the week calendar Vegetable printing
Reception Home Learning 22nd -26th June
Our topic this week is
Zog by Julia Donaldson
(as read by Mrs Wilkinson on the school Facebook page and video centre in the home learning section of the website)
Over the week:
Remember to do what you can and that a play based approach will work best. Do not expect the children to sit for too long and whatever you can do is appreciated.
The children might like to:
- Write about the story of Zog
- Write about a princess, knight or dragon – describe what they are like.
- Write about what job they would like to do when they grow up.
- Write about a pet they have, or would like to have.
- Or anything else they are interested in.
Use the writing paper provided below.
Whatever they write about we would love to see their writing (and pictures!) so please upload some photos on their blog so we can see their writing.
There are new Phonics lessons on YouTube from the Department of Education. There are lessons each day for Reception. These can be accessed at: https://wandleenglishhub.org.uk/lettersandsounds
Alternatively, you could follow our daily timetable.
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Revise all sounds |
Practise all sounds (single letters, digraphs and trigraphs) using flashcards in learning pack or watch the videos of Mrs Aitken and Miss Chapman practising them. (videos are in the home learning section of the website or on school Facebook page) Practise reading all the tricky words using flashcards from learning pack or writing on paper. |
Play a game
Treasure or trash
Write the following words onto paper then cut them out. Now ask your child to divide them into two piles: Treasure(real words) or Trash(nonsense words)
barn sorn fork wait toin chair boat noot
Display the digraphs ng, ee, ar, or in different parts of the room Say a word then see if your child can find the matching digraph:
sing ping long cart yard bark short pork acorn weep seek feel
Word Hunt
Hide the following words around the room. Get your child to search for them, bring them to you and read them:
coin howl fizz quack seem hook |
Rhyme words
How many words can you write that rhyme with tail?
Challenge: Can you write a sentence using one of these words?
Tricky Word Challenge
How many tricky words can you find in a favourite story book?
Can you write the tricky words all by yourself?
Read the tricky words one by one and see if your child can write them.
Read |
Is a boat bigger than a car?
Is that thing in the pool? |
The cat has a long tail.
The shop was very cool. |
Can a cow see you?
Can a sheep sit on a chair? |
I went to the park at night.
Josh can feel the rain on his arm.
Dictated sentence |
I can cook_____.
How many different sentences can you write? |
My feet have ____.
How many different sentences can you write? |
I can hear you ____.
How many different sentences can you write? |
The queen is ____.
How many different sentences can you write? |
If your child can read all of the tricky words on sight by themselves then you could always introduce the Phase 4 tricky words for them to start learning a couple at a time.
Phase 4 Tricky Words – said, have, like, so, do, some, come, little, there, were, one, what, when, out
Each day try to do the following:
Monday |
Draw around objects/draw a circle, a square and a rectangle. Can you find half of each shape by folding one side onto the other? Now cut down the fold line to make two equal halves. |
Tuesday |
Ask your grown up to give you an even number of objects. Can you put them into two, equal groups? Each group is half. |
Wednesday |
Using small objects and two hoops or plates can you find out what is half of 2,4,6,8 and 10. |
Thursday |
Draw a ladybird and put 8 spots on it’s back. Put half the spots on one side and half on the other. Make sure it has an equal amount of spots on each side. You can use the ladybird half sheet (below). |
Friday |
Try the ‘bee halving problem’ on the sheet (below) |
If you would like to do more maths then you could try any of the following:
Colour half worksheet – colour half of each shape - see below
White Rose Maths has produced a daily video of maths ideas for each day this week. This is based around the theme of the book ‘Zog’ this week.
There are also maths lessons available from ‘The Oak Academy’ an on-line school that has been set up with the support of the Department for Education. There are a number of maths lessons for reception each week.
Top Marks (www.topmarks.co.uk) has lots of maths games to practise key skills. Try some of the following:
Maths can be practised lots through play activities so encourage your child to count, find more/less, add and subtract items when they are playing.
Things to make related to this week’s story:
A knight's shield
A stethoscope
Our topic this week is
Princess Mirror-Belle and the Dragon Pox
(As read by Mrs Wilkinson on the school website and Facebook page)
Over the week:
Remember to do what you can and that a play based approach will work best. Do not expect the children to sit for too long and whatever you can do is appreciated.
The children might like to:
- Write about the story of Princess Mirror-Belle and the Dragon Pox.
- Write about another story they have read.
- Write about a time when they were ill.
- Write about a dragon.
- Or anything else they are interested in.
Whatever they write about we would love to see their writing (and pictures!) so please upload some photos on their blog so we can see their writing.
There are new Phonics lessons on YouTube from the Department of Education. There are lessons each day for Reception. These can be accessed at: https://wandleenglishhub.org.uk/lettersandsounds
Alternatively, you could follow our daily timetable.
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Revise all sounds |
Practise all sounds (single letters, digraphs and trigraphs) using flashcards in learning pack or watch the videos of Mrs Aitken and Miss Chapman practising them. (videos are in the home learning section of the website or on school Facebook page) Practise reading all the tricky words using flashcards from learning pack or writing on paper. |
Play a game
Display the digraphs oa, oo, oi, ch in different parts of a room. Say a word then see if your child can choose the matching digraph:
chain, chip, choose, soil, foil, spoil, foot, cook, hoot, boat, soak, cloak
Write the following words on paper. Ask your child to help you spell them:
spell loop cloak stain park peel
Now put them in a random order on the ground or table, then say a word and your child has to find it and ‘splat’ it with their hand. |
Draw the following and get your child to guess what you are drawing and write it down:
cow clown moat pond fish ship
Rhyme words
How many words can your child think of that rhyme with air? (hair, chair, fair)
Challenge: Can they write a sentence using one of these words?
Tricky Word Challenge
How many tricky words can you find in your favourite story book?
Can you write the tricky words all by yourself?
Read the tricky words one by one and see if your child can write them.
Read |
Can she keep the horse?
Was he bigger than her?
I am looking at the cow.
The tail on the goat is long. |
Am I high up in the tree?
Can you cook a chair? |
They went to the bright fair.
My ear hurts if you shout.
Dictated sentence |
The shell is_____.
How many different sentences can you write? |
I can see a big___.
How many different sentences can you write? |
The church has a ____.
How many different sentences can you write? |
The pig has a ____ tail.
How many different sentences can you write? |
If your child can read all of the tricky words on sight by themselves then you could always introduce the Phase 4 tricky words for them to start learning a couple at a time. We have previously sent flashcards you can download or they are in the home learning on the class pages of the website.
Phase 4 Tricky Words – said, have, like, so, do, some, come, little, there, were, one, what, when, out
Each day try to do the following:
Monday |
Using small objects, double all the numbers up to 5. (e.g. 3 objects + 3 objects) |
Tuesday |
Do the same as yesterday but today write number sentences to go with your practical doubling. (i.e. 4+4=?) Use fingers or objects to check the answer. |
Wednesday |
Imagine you are a pirate with two treasure boxes (use small containers and real coins or objects for ‘treasure’). Put the same amount of objects in each treasure box then take them out and count them altogether to see how much treasure you have! |
Thursday |
Write some doubling number sentences for your grown up. Then check if they have got them right! |
Friday |
Do some of the activities on the ‘Doubling Problems’ worksheet linked at the end. |
If you would like to do more maths then you could try any of the following:
Doubling worksheets - links at the end
White Rose Maths has produced a daily video of maths ideas for each day this week. This is based around the theme of the book ‘Princess Mirror-Belle and the dragon pox’.
There are also maths lessons available from ‘The Oak Academy’ an on-line school that has been set up with the support of the Department for Education. There are a number of maths lessons for reception each week.
Top Marks (www.topmarks.co.uk) has lots of maths games to practise key skills. Try some of the following:
Maths can be practised lots through play activities so encourage your child to count, find more/less, add and subtract items when they are playing.
What was your favourite part of the story? Can you draw it?
What can you find out about dragons?
Can you make a magic potion or ‘cure’ with the help of a grown up?
Can you find another story about a dragon?
Try some of the Princess Mirrabelle worksheets linked below - colouring, wordsearch and spot the difference.
Things you could make related to this week’s story:
A magic mirror A dragon model A dragon picture
Our topic this week is
The Princess and the Wizard
By Julia Donaldson
(As read by Mrs Wilkinson on the school website and Facebook page)
Over the week:
Remember to do what you can and that a play based approach will work best. Do not expect the children to sit for too long and whatever you can do is appreciated.
The children might like to:
- Write about the story of The Princess and the Wizard
- Write a story about an imaginary princess or wizard
- Write a letter to a wizard or a princess
- Write about anything they are interested in.
Lined paper can be downloaded and printed - see below
Whatever they write about we would love to see their writing (and pictures!) so please upload some photos on their blog so we can see their writing.
There are new Phonics lessons on YouTube from the Department of Education. There are lessons each day for Reception. These can be accessed at: https://wandleenglishhub.org.uk/lettersandsounds
Alternatively, you could follow our daily timetable.
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Revise all sounds |
Practise all sounds (single letters, digraphs and trigraphs) using flashcards in learning pack or watch the videos of Mrs Aitken and Miss Chapman practising them. (videos are in the home learning section of the website or on school Facebook page) Practise reading all the tricky words using flashcards from learning pack or writing on paper. |
Play a game
Word Hunt
Hide the following words around the house/garden for your child to find. Ask them read the words and to draw a picture of the words they find.
cow ship car feet soil
Write the following words on paper. Ask your child to help you spell them.
park hair burp sigh tail that
Now get your child to close their eyes while you put them in a random order on the ground or table. Now say a word and your child has to find it and ‘splat’ it with their hand. |
Treasure or trash
Write the following words onto paper then cut them out. Divide them into two piles: Treasure (real words) and Trash (nonsense words)
noof soap shad cook fear sowl point seng thing cork chet
Rhyme words
How many words can you write that rhyme with ship?
Challenge: Can you write a sentence using one of these words?
Tricky Word Challenge
Can you write the tricky words all by yourself?
Can you write three sentences with a tricky word in?
Read |
Can he cook food?
The sheep can fight.
I can hear a goat.
Can she sail a ship? |
Can the queen sing?
The dog has a big curl. |
I want to sing a song.
My feet hurt.
Dictated sentence |
The quiz is very _____.
How many different sentences can you write? |
The shark has ___.
How many different sentences can you write? |
He was too ____.
How many different sentences can you write? |
The sail on the boat was ____.
How many different sentences can you write? |
If your child can read all of the tricky words on sight by themselves then you could always introduce the Phase 4 tricky words for them to start learning a couple at a time. We have previously sent flashcards you can download or they are in the home learning on the class pages of the website.
Phase 4 Tricky Words – said, have, like, so, do, some, come, little, there, were, one, what, when, out
Each day try to do the following:
Monday |
Can you count in two’s up to 10? (or even 20!) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 |
Tuesday |
How many pairs of socks can you find? Now count in two’s to find out how many socks you have altogether. |
Wednesday |
Can you write down all the even numbers up to 10? (or even 20!) |
Thursday |
Can you count to 100 like the wizard? (with the help of a grown up if you need it) |
Friday |
Can you write a subtraction number sentence and an addition number sentence using only even numbers? |
If you would like to do more maths then you could try any of the following:
Counting in twos worksheet (see below)
White Rose Maths has produced a daily video of maths ideas for each day this week. This is based around the theme of this week’s book ‘The Princess and the Wizard’ this week.
There are also maths lessons available from ‘The Oak Academy’ an on-line school that has been set up with the support of the Department for Education. There are a number of maths lessons for reception each week.
Top Marks (www.topmarks.co.uk) has lots of maths games to practise key skills. Try some of the following:
Maths can be practised lots through play activities so encourage your child to count, find more/less, add and subtract items when they are playing.
This week our topic work is based on The Princess and the Wizard, as read by Mrs Wilkinson on the school website and Facebook page.
Things you could make related to this week’s story:
Reception Home Learning 1st-5th June
Our topic this week is
Jack and the Beanstalk
The children might like to:
- Write about the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.
- Write about a story they have read.
- Write a story about their own beanstalk.
- Write a letter to someone.
- Or anything else they are interested in.
Whatever they write about we would love to see their writing (and pictures!) so please upload some photos on their blog so we can see their writing.
There are new Phonics lessons on YouTube from the Department of Education. There are lessons each day for Reception. These can be accessed at: https://wandleenglishhub.org.uk/lettersandsounds
Alternatively, you could follow our daily timetable.
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Revise all sounds |
Practise all sounds (single letters, digraphs and trigraphs) using flashcards in learning pack or watch the videos of Mrs Aitken and Miss Chapman practising them. (videos are in the home learning section of the website or on school Facebook page) Practise reading all the tricky words using flashcards from learning pack or writing on paper. |
Play a game
Word Hunt
Hide the following words around the house/garden for your child to find. Ask them read the words and to draw a picture of the words they find.
barn fork paint chair boat
Write the following words on paper. Ask your child to help you spell them.
path hurt tear star fair
Now get your child to close their eyes while you put them in a random order on the ground or table. Now say a word and your child has to find it and ‘splat’ it with their hand or foot. |
Draw the following and get your child to guess what you are drawing and write it down.
cow clown moat pond fish shower
Rhyme words
How many words can you write that rhyme with rain?
Challenge: Can you write a sentence using one of these words?
Tricky Word Challenge
How many tricky words can you find in your favourite story book?
Can you write the tricky words all by yourself?
Read the tricky words one by one and see if your child can write them.
Read |
Is the sun wet?
Is a lemon red?
Can a ship turn? |
I am in a rush to go to the shop.
I can sing a song. |
Can a hammer chop wood?
Can a coat hang on a hook? |
I went to the farm.
Josh had fish and chips.
Dictated sentence |
The bee can_____.
How many different sentences can you write? |
At the park I ___.
How many different sentences can you write? |
The snail has ____.
How many different sentences can you write? |
I got ____ from the shop.
How many different sentences can you write? |
If your child can read all of the tricky words on sight by themselves then you could always introduce the Phase 4 tricky words for them to start learning a couple at a time. We have previously sent flashcards you can download or they are in the home learning on the class pages of the website.
Phase 4 Tricky Words – said, have, like, so, do, some, come, little, there, were, one, what, when, out
Each day try to do the following:
Monday |
Practise your subtracting! Get a group of objects, take some away and see how many are left. (i.e. 5 cars, take away 2 equals 3 cars left.) |
Tuesday |
Do the same as yesterday but today can you write number sentences to go with your practical subtractions. (i.e. 10 – 3 = 7) |
Wednesday |
Get a grown up to write some subtraction number sentences and see if you can work out the answers. You could use objects or your fingers to help you. |
Thursday |
Can you write some subtraction number sentences for your grown up. Then check if they have got them right! |
Friday |
Play shops with 1ps. Make up prices for food or toy items and then buy them using the coins. You can try to use 2ps as well if you like. How much change would you have |
If you would like to do more maths then you could try any of the following:
White Rose Maths has produced a daily video of maths ideas for each day this week. This is based around the theme of the book ‘The Snail and the Whale’ this week.
There are also maths lessons available from ‘The Oak Academy’ an on-line school that has been set up with the support of the Department for Education. There are a number of maths lessons for reception each week.
Top Marks (www.topmarks.co.uk) has lots of maths games to practise key skills.
Maths can be practised lots through play activities so encourage your child to count, find more/less, add and subtract items when they are playing.
This week our topic is Jack and the Beanstalk.
Beanstalk themed art: