Hello and welcome to the Mandarin Ducks' class page! I am Mr Godfrey and I am excited for all the new learning ahead in our new school year.
In year 4, as part of our mini topic, we will be exploring South Korea and the variety of unique places it has to visit. Throughout our mini topic we will learn where South Korea is on the world map, along with the key provinces and city locations without the country. We shall explore the national animal of the Mandarin Duck along with key cultural elements of South Korean life, including their love of artwork.
After mini topic, once the Autumn term starts back we shall be looking at the lives of Ancient Greek citizens. We shall explore Greek myths, looking at the beasts and heroes who made them so well known.
Later in the year we shall also begin to explore unfortunate events, looking at both natural disasters and man-made problems. Finally we shall explore the lives of Romans and how it may have been different to those of Ancient Greeks.
Click on the PowerPoint below to find out more about Mandarin Duck Class
Our Harvest Festival is very different this year as normally we would welcome parents into the school to watch the children celebrate harvest time. Instead the children are coming to everyone's home or work virtually!
In the past, we have asked for donations but to keep everyone safe we are asking for everyone to look out for each other and a smile goes a long way with very little effort!
Please click on the link below to take you to the Video Resource area on our website to watch our Year 4 Harvest Assembly!
Happy Harvest everyone!