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Spring Term Focus Ideas


01.03.2021 – 05.03.2021




Welcome back to another week!

As always, we spend a little time in Nursery listening to what you got up to at the weekend. Take some time to tell your grown-ups what you have enjoyed doing with them. You might want to tell someone outside of you house what you have been up to!

You could make a phone call to a friend or relative or even write a letter or draw a picture. You could even post it to them in a post box – but don’t forget the stamp!

Don’t forget – the grown-ups in Nursery love to hear what you’ve been up to as well! You can let us know by telling us on the Class Blog!



We are continuing to explore Traditional Tales this week.

A Traditional Tale is a story that has been told and retold for a very long time.

Last week, we looked at Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Can you remember what happened in that story?


This week, we are focusing on Jack and the Beanstalk.

If you have a copy of the story at home, have a read.

If you discovered a beanstalk in your garden, would you climb up?

Why would/wouldn’t you like to climb up?

What do think you might find at the top of the beanstalk?

Be as imaginative as you can!



Ten Town

We have now met the first five characters of ten town.

Let’s take some time to reflect – can you remember how to write each of the numbers?



Have a go at writing the numbers 1-5 on separate pieces of paper. Can you put them into the correct order?

Can you match the correct quantity to each number?



Today is World Book Day in school!

The theme this year is ‘The Masked Reader’ – so we have a challenge for you!

We would like you to have a go at making your own mask to represent a character from a book!

You can use anything you like to create your mask – add hair with wool, use pens/crayons/paints to add colour, use collage pieces – the possibilities are endless!

There is also a potato decorating competition – to create a character from a book in potato form!

If making a mask might be a little tricky, why not have a go at decorating a potato instead!


Here are some ideas, if you need them.





Remember – the only limit is your imagination, and it doesn’t have to look like the character they say it is! As long as your child can explain what they’re doing, while they’re doing it –that’s okay!


Don't forget to show us what you create on the Class Blog!



Silly Soup!

We have looked at making silly soup with rhyming words, but now let’s see if we can make some with the same initial sounds.

Remember, initial sounds are the sounds we make at the beginning of words.

Miss Bailey has had a go at making her own Silly Soup – can you work out what initial sound all of the ingredients in her soup have?



A Comb

A Cork

A Can

Some Cotton wool

A Clip


Have a go at making your own Silly Soup!



22.02.2021 – 26.02.2021




Traditional Tales

We are focusing on Traditional Tales over the next few weeks in Nursery – but what are they?

A Traditional Tale is a story which has been re-told lots and lots of times over many years, and is a story that most people know.

This week, we are focusing on the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Do you know the story?

Retell the story to your grown-ups at home!

Not sure? That’s fine! See if you have a copy of the story at home you could read, or listen to Miss Bailey read it here:


What do you think of Goldilocks?

Do you think she should have gone into the Three Bears house and done all of those things?

How do you think the Bears felt when they found out what she had done?



Ten Town

So far, we have met four of the characters living in Ten Town.

Today, we are going to meet Fiona Five – her story is here:

Fiona Five

This is Fiona Five. She is the manager of the Ten Town Sports and Leisure Centre and she helps the other people in Ten Town stay healthy. She also helps them to choose five healthy foods to eat every day.

Fiona Five has a special sports wheelchair because she is an athlete who enjoys playing lots of different sports, her favourites are tennis, archery, swimming, wheelchair racing and basketball.

Can you count how many sports she likes?

King One wanted to get fit so she takes him out training in the Ten Town park. She is facing away from King One because she is leading him round the park and she is faster than him!

To write number five, remember the rhyme:

“Down her back around you go

Arms out straight, don’t be slow!”


Can you be like Fiona Five, and eat five healthy things today (and everyday!)

Have a go at writing the numbers 1-5 on separate pieces of paper, mix them up and put them back in the right order!

Can you match the right number of objects to each number?



All about alliteration

Can you hear the sound at the beginning of your name?

Take my name, for example – Bailey.

Really emphasise the beginning sound of your name. Repeat it a few times, if you have to:

“ B-B-B-Bailey”

Keep repeating that initial sound, can you think of/find other words with the same initial sound?

“B-B-B-Brilliant B-B-B-Bailey”

“B-B-B-Bouncy B-B-B-Bailey”

“B-B-B-Beautiful B-B-B-Bailey”

Have a go with your own name – and don’t worry if you find it a bit tricky, it can be the first few tries you have!



Thinking about this week’s Traditional Tale – Goldilocks and the Three Bears, let’s make some Goldilocks/Bears crafts that you can use in your play!

You could make your very own bear ears or Goldilocks long golden hair, so that you can role play the story yourself. You could even make different sized ears for each of the bears!


You could have a go at making your own porridge with a grown-up!

You could try different toppings on your porridge too. We would love to know if it’s something you enjoy! Let us know on the Class Blog!

Remember to follow the instructions carefully.



If you have some construction items at home, you could have a go at making each of the Bear’s chairs and/or beds!

You could use Lego, Stickle Bricks, or even paper/lollypop sticks/toilet roll tubes/other crafty bits and bobs you might have around the house!

Remember, the Bears all have different sized chairs and beds – so keep this in mind while you make them!




As always, we love to see what you have been getting up to at home on the Class Blog. We check regularly to see what you add, and do our best to reply to every post! Keep them coming!


22.02.2021 – 26.02.2021



Monday 22.02.21 – Science Day!

Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely, relaxing Half Term holiday!

Today is Science day throughout the school, and we have lots of ideas for science activities in Nursery too!

Here are some ideas, below - have a go at one and let us know how you get on!


Explore Your Senses

Sight – our eyes help us see: Light and dark. Explore what happens when you put an object in front of a light – can you make your own shadows on the wall?


Hearing – our ears help us hear: Explore what happens to sounds. Can you make them louder or quieter? Can you make sounds ‘bounce’ and make an echo?


Taste – our tongue helps us taste: Different foods have different tastes. Experiment with different flavours like salty, sweet, sour (please have a camera ready if you try lemon, we would love to see your reactions!)


Smell – our nose helps us smell: Just like taste, different objects can have different smells. Test yourself to see if you can recognise smells with a blindfold on!


Touch – our hands (and skin) help us touch: Have a go at a sensory walk by laying out different objects on the floor and walking barefoot along them.

Or make a mystery ‘feely box’ – can you work out what’s in the box just by feeling it?


Floating and Sinking

This is a fun experiment anyone can enjoy – all you need is a container of water and a range of objects.

Can you predict which items might float and which might sink?

What do you notice about the items which float/sink?

Do all of the light items float?

Do all of the heavy ones sink?

Can you add items to something that floats – what happens then?

Try with different objects – fruit and vegetables can surprise you!

Now you have an idea of what floats, can you make your own boat? You could decorate it in any way you like and show us on the Class Blog!


Magnetic Fun!

If you have magnets at home (fridge magnets will do), you could go on a magnetic object hunt!

What do you notice about the magnet?

Sometimes it ‘sticks’ to things – these objects are magnetic.

Sometimes it does nothing – these items are not magnetic.

Can you sort a selection of items in your house into magnetic and non-magnetic piles?

*Bonus* what happens if you try to put two magnets together?

If they pull together, they are attracted and if they push away, they are repelling

It’s never too early to introduce vocabulary like this in your play and investigation!



Forever Blowing Bubbles

We all enjoy blowing bubbles and watching them float away – but this can be a really interesting science experiment too!

You can make a simple bubble mixture with water and a couple of tablespoons of washing up liquid.


Blow some bubbles outside and watch them as they float away.

You can see where the wind blows, just by watching your bubbles!



Can you make a bubble inside a bubble?


Or you could have a go at making your own bubble snake!

You will need:

- An empty water bottle

- A sock or cloth

- An elastic band (or something to secure the sock/cloth)

- Bubble mixture


Get a grown-up to help chop the bottom off an old water bottle and secure the sock/cloth over the big hole.

Dip the material into your bubble mixture.

Put the bottle to your mouth and blow!



See how long you can make your bubble snake (but please remember to blow out – don’t breathe in your bubble mixture!)


How Does Your Garden Grow..?

Noticing what happens to plants and growing your own can be great fun!


Cress is really easy to grow yourself, and grows quite quickly.

Have a go at growing some yourself and have a chat about what you see.



What do you need to do to your cress to help it grow?

What can you do with it once it has grown?


Herb gardens or window boxes are good for this too.


You could even keep the top of a carrot and pop it into a shallow saucer of water.

Keep an eye on it and see what happens!

(Make sure to replace the water every couple of days)



While you enjoy your outside space, take some time to notice the bugs and other creepy crawlies that might be around too!

Where have you found most of the bugs?

You could even have a go at making a Bug Hotel!




08.02.2021 – 12.02.2021



Sharing is caring!

Every week, we spend some time in Nursery to listing to all of our stories from the weekend. The grown-ups in Nursery love to find out what you get up to while you’re with your grown-ups at home!

Take a little time and have a chat with your grown-ups at home about all of the things you have enjoyed doing over the past few weeks. Don’t forget to listen to your grown-ups as well. I’m sure they will like to share their ‘best bits’ too!

Share your chat with us too, on the Class Blog! Maybe you have been taking lots of pictures too – you can always include those for us to see as well. We miss your smiley faces!



Drum outdoors.

This is definitely an activity you will want to carry out outside!

In your garden or on a walk in the park, find yourself a ‘beater’. Large-ish sticks are perfect for this!

Use your beater to tap, scrape and bang objects around you.

You might tap a tree. What does it sound like? Can you describe the sound? Is it loud or quiet?

Now, scrape your stick on the tree. How has the sound changed? Is it still loud/quiet, or has it changed?

Keep trying on different things around you.

The fence, the ground, the grass.

Which sound is your favourite?



Ten Town!

So far, we have met King One, Tommy Two and Thelma Three. This week, we are going to meet Freddie Four!

Freddie Four

This is Freddie Four. He is one of the characters in Ten Town who does not face King One, but there is a good reason for this.

 He is always going off to explore the world and, when he travels, he takes four of everything.

If he is going somewhere hot, he will take four sun hats, or if it is going to be cold he will take four scarves. He packs everything into his backpack, jumps into his boat and paddles away from King One.

Everyone in Ten Town looks forward to Freddie Four’s return because he always brings back interesting souvenirs from the places he visits. He brings back four of everything, of course!

To write number four, remember the rhyme:

“Down, across, oar in the water.”


Can you represent 4 in your own way? Maybe you could be like Freddie Four and find four items, perhaps on a walk with your grown-ups. Maybe you could have a go at writing the number 4, using Freddie Four’s rhyme.



Identifying Rhyme

Here is Mrs Wessels reading 'Duck in the Truck'

Can you find the rhyming words in the story?

In the video resource part of the website, we have lots more stories which include rhyming words.

Have a listen to them, and see if you can identify the words which rhyme in the stories Remember – rhyming words are words which have the same ending sound!

Do you have any story book sat home which have rhyming words in them? Maybe you could find them and read them with your grown-ups.

Can you guess the rhyme before it’s read?



Sir Captain Tom art work.

Do you know about Sir Captain Tom?

Sir Captain Tom helped to raise lots of money for NHS charities by walking 100 laps of his garden before his 100th birthday.

To celebrate Sir Captain Tom, Harrowgate Hill would like to create a memorial display and we need your help!

All children have been asked to draw their representation of Sir Captain Tom and show us via the Class Blog.

We would love to see what you can create!

“Tomorrow will be a good day”


01.02.2021 – 05.02.2021



Sharing is caring!

Can you share your weekend news with people you love? You might want to tell the grown-ups in your house what you have enjoyed doing over the past few days; you could give a loved one a phone call or video call to let them know what you’ve been up to; or you can let the grown-ups in nursery know by sharing on the class blog!


Get you listening ears working!

Take a listening minute (or as long as you wish) to notice the sounds around you.

Just sitting in my living room, as I type this for you – I can hear the rain pitter-pattering on the window; my keyboard keys clicking, my fridge whirring in the kitchen; and I can hear the cars drive past my house.

Try to identify the sounds you hear, and talk about them with your grown-ups!



Listening walk!

If you can, go for a walk with your grown-ups!

Walking is a great way to keep fit and healthy, and it’s fantastic to help us notice things around us!

What can you hear on your walk?

You might hear vehicles as they pass you - Can you make it a little trickier – cars, motorbikes and vans/lorries all make a different sound as they drive past. Can you identify which it was?

Maybe you can hear birds or other animals.

Perhaps you can hear diggers or other machinery – what could they be building?


When you get home from your listening walk – you could make a picture to represent all of the sounds you heard. Or maybe you could talk about your walk, as if it were a story!



Ten Town

In the past weeks, we have met King One and Tommy Two – it’s time to meet our next number.

This is the story of Thelma Three.

Thelma Three

This is Thelma Three. She is the one person in Ten Town who doesn’t always make good choices.

King One has made a jam tart for everyone in Ten Town. When Thelma Three saw them cooling on the window ledge she could not stop herself. Guess what she did?

She reached out her hands towards King One’s jam tarts and took three of them!

PC Maz was passing by and saw what Thelma three had done. She asked Thelma Three, “Have you made a good choice?”.

Thelma Three thought about what she had done and realized she hadn’t made a sensible choice. Then she put the jam tarts back.

PC Maz said, ”That is a good choice Thelma Three, but if you keep taking things that don’t belong to you, I will have you put you in handcuffs!”

Thelma Three said, “I am sorry, I want to make good choices instead.” So Thelma Three cleaned the castle windows, scrubbed the castle floor and mowed the Ten Town grass!

“I’m proud of you Thelma Three.” Said PC Maz.

To write number three, remember the rhyme:

“Over one hand, over the next. Stop and think which choice is best!”

Can you have a go at representing three in your own way?

You might find 3 objects, make 3 marks, or even have a go at writing the numeral 3.



Talking about rhymes.

Talk about Nursery Rhymes, and how you think the characters might feel.

Here is Mrs Wessels, to explain more!

You could do this for lots of other rhymes too – How do you think Miss Polly feels when her dolly is sick? What could you do to help dolly feel better? What makes you feel better when you’re poorly?

What about Mother duck, when her little ducks go missing over the hills?

Or the cheeky monkey’s Mama, when they all fall off the bed and bump their heads?


Friday (Vendredi)

Ooh La La! It’s French day!

Today, we are celebrating all things French!

Children (and grown-ups!) in school are invited to dress in red, white and blue – and you can too!


In Nursery, we will be making our own French Flags


Having a go at learning ‘Heads Shoulders Knees and toes’ in French


Singing the French Nursery Rhyme ‘Frère Jacques’


Listening to the 'fabuleux monsieur Andrews' reading us a story 'en français'!


Learning about the Eiffel Tower, thanks to the Go Jetters!


And making our own representations of the Matisse artwork, The Snail using collage.


25.01.2021 – 29.01.2021




Hello everyone! Welcome to another week of home learning!

Each Monday, we usually spend some time in our Key Worker groups discussing what we got up to during the weekend.

With lots of us staying home, we wondered if you could let us know how you are spending your time!

Can you tell your grown-ups at home all of the things you enjoy to do?

Perhaps you could draw a picture to represent this.

Maybe you could phone a friend or family member to share your news.

The grown-ups in Nursery would love to know what you're getting up to! You could write a Blog post to let us know!

We check them regularly, and will reply to your posts when we can!



Rhyming words

Do you remember Mrs Wessels sharing a video about Nursery Rhymes? She drew pictures and had some objects to represent her favourite rhymes.

Choose a few of your favourite rhymes - you could find objects to represent them, draw a picture of it, or even just ask your grown-up to write it on some paper for you.


Put them into a bag (or just hide them) and mix them up!

Choose one of your rhymes at random and sing it!

Can you identify the rhyming words in the rhyme you chose?

(Grown-ups, you might want really emphasise the words if your child finds it a bit tricky!)

For example:

Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sicksick

So she called for the doctor to come quick, quickquick

The doctor came with their bag and their hat

And they knocked on the door with a rat-a-tat-tat


Keep doing this for as many rhymes as you wish!



Ten town!

Last week, we met King One, who looks after everyone in Ten Town.

This week, we are going to meet Tommy Two.


Tommy Two

This is a story about King One’s friend. He is called Tommy Two, and it is his job to look after King One because King on is so busy he needs somebody to help him! Tommy Two is the person who helps King One. Tommy Two’s main job is to help King one tie his shoelaces, because King One hasn’t learnt to do that yet. So Tommy Two has to kneel down to tie them up.

Tommy Two enjoys doing things in twos, like polishing King One’s two shoes and scrubbing the castle floor with two scrubbing brushes. Tommy Two sometimes gets into a muddle because he tries to do two things at once! One day, he accidentally tied King One’s shoe laces together. Luckily, King One thought it was very funny when he fell on the floor in a heap!

To write the number two, remember the rhyme:

“Hands round to knees, straight across please”



Can you practice forming the number 2?

You could draw it in the air with your magic finger, on paper with a pen/pencil/crayon, or even make marks in things like paint, shaving foam, mud or playdough!

We would love to see what you get up to!



We love reading stories in Nursery!

Miss Bailey has read a couple of our favourite library books for you - you can watch the videos here!


Can you find some of your favourite stories at home?

You could ask your grown-ups to read them for you, or maybe you could tell the story using the pictures in the book!



Listening carefully, and following instructions.

In Nursery, we love making our own playdough!

We are very good at following the instructions for our 'perfect playdough' and have lots of fun mixing, kneading and squidging the fresh dough!

Can you have a go at following some instructions at home?

You might wat to make your very own batch of playdough (recipe below)

Or, you could bake some cakes, help make something yummy for tea, or even follow some instructions to make a model!


We would love to see what you get up to!

Why not show us, on the class blog!



Perfect Playdough!

You will need:

  • 2 cups of flour
  • 1 cup of salt
  • 1 table spoon of cream of tartar
  • 2 table spoons of oil cooking oil
  • 2 cups of water (boiling, optional)
  • (Optional) Food colouring/paint of choice (if using paint, please make sure it is non-toxic!)


  • Add all dry ingredients to a bowl and stir together.
  • Add in the colouring, oil and water, one cup at a time and stirring well.

If using boiling water, you can then start to combine and knead with your hands. Take care – this is very hot! Wearing washing-up gloves or adding a sprinkle of flour on the table and on top of the mixture usually helps!

  • If using cold water, the mixture will need to go into the microwave for 2 minutes at a time, mixing well before putting it back in.

When the dough is formed, remove from the bowl and knead with your hands. Take care – this is very hot! Wearing washing-up gloves or adding a sprinkle of flour on the table and on top of the mixture usually helps!

  • It will be obvious when the dough is ready, as it should have a smooth playdough consistency!

Store your playdough in an air-tight container - it should last for up to one week


18.01.2021 – 22.01.2021




Welcome to another new week!

We are continuing to focus on Nursery Rhymes, and stories that rhyme this week.

Remember, rhyming is when two words have the same sound.

Mrs Wessels has a challenge for you!

Have a game of rhyming words odd one out! Yu can use items from around the house, or the picture cards below (if you need a couple of ideas!)



Ten Town Tuesday!

We have been looking at Numicon to help us with our counting and numbers, but we have some helpful characters in Ten Town to help too!

Each week, we will meet a new character, who will tell you a little story and rhyme to help you write your numbers too!

This week, we will meet King One – Here is his story (I will add the document below too, if you wish to print it out. Don’t worry if you don’t have a printer though! Everything you will need is here!)


King One

This is a story about King One. He looks very important in his smart uniform, but do you think he is kind? Let’s find out.

Everybody in Ten Town has a job to do, and King One’s job is to look after everyone and make sure they are happy.

King One lives in the Ten town Castle, and he does everything one at a time. He always has one piece of toast for breakfast; he rides around Ten Town on one horse; and sometimes rides around on a bike with one wheel, called a unicycle.

Everyone in Ten Town likes King One because he is kind and thoughtful, and he always has time to talk to anyone who has a problem.

King One is very proud of being in charge of Ten Town, which is why he stands up straight and tall. Some of the people in Ten Town face towards King One, but others ace away from him. We will find out why later on.

If you write number one, remember the rhyme to help you!

“Top to toe and there you go!”

Have a go at drawing number one and show us how you get on, on the Class Blog!



Clapping out a rhythm.

Last week, we looked at clapping a rhythm and keeping it going. This week, we are going to make it a little bit trickier!

This time, we are going to clap out a rhythm, while we sing a Nursery Rhyme too!

A clap, pat (clap your hands, pat your knees) rhythm will be perfect for this.

Can you keep the rhythm while you sing ‘Pat-a-cake’?


Pat a cake, pat a cake baker’s man

Bake me a cake as fast as you can

Pat it and prick it and mark it with ‘B’

And put it in the oven for baby and me!


You could use your child’s initial to personalise the rhyme too!

If you master that, can you keep the rhythm for another nursery rhyme?



Mrs Wessels has recorded a story video, just for you!

Can you spot the rhyming words in the story?

I wonder if you have a kite of your own at home. If not – there are some easy ways you can make your own! Have a go, and see if you can make it fly!

We would love to see your kite flying pictures on the Class Blog!



On Friday, we have PE.

In our PE lessons, we are focusing on following instructions, and moving in different ways.

Listening carefully, and following instructions is very important. It can keep us safe, and let us know what we need to do.

Can you move around your house or garden, following the instructions your grown-up gives you?

We will start with ‘go’ and ‘stop’, and ‘walk’ and ‘run’ – grown-ups, obviously do this activity as you see fit, in a way that’s safe for you and you home!


If you’re limited for space, you could complete a Cosmic Kids Yoga session on YouTube (some of these can be a little tricky, but as long as we try, it’s all good!)


Jumpstart Johnny is another great one for limited space – we love the fast music and movements, and copying the funny faces in some of the dances!

Ten Town - King One


11.01.2021 – 15.01.2021




This week, we are welcoming back a lot of our Nursery friends.

Nursery was very strange without you all, and we still miss those of you who are still learning from home. We hope to see you all very soon!


In Nursery, we don’t just focus on learning things like phonics and numbers – we also develop our ‘Life Skills’

These are skills that we hope you can master before you head off to school. Don’t worry if you struggle with some of these, the grown-ups in Nursery can help, and you can practise them all at home with your grown-ups too!

We have put together a little list for you to work towards – we don’t expect you all to be masters at all of these straight away! They are just an idea of things that will help make you more independent smiley

Practice one or two every day for a week and see how you get on!


  I can't quite do this, yet I need a little help I can do this independently
- I can dress and undress myself      
- I can put on my coat      
- I can fasten my coat zip and/or buttons      
- I can put my shoes on (correct feet)      
- I can put on my gloves and hat      
- I can go to the toilet      
- I can wash my hands      
-I can brush my teeth      
- I can use a knife and fork      
- I can comb my hair      
- I can wash my body in the shower or bath      
- I can hold a pencil with tripod grip (3 fingers)      
- I can use scissors      
- I can tidy up      
- I can put my rubbish in the bin      
- I know my full name      
- I know who to contact in an emergency (999)      



Keeping a rhythm.

In phonics, we are investigating rhythm and rhyme.

A rhythm is a repeated pattern of sounds, and can be fast or slow.

Can you copy a rhythm?


Grown-ups, clap out a simple rhythm of 3 or 4 beats. (I find the ‘We Will Rock You’ clap, clap, pat (your knees) is usually a good place to start!)

Children, can you count how many beats there were? Were they fast or slow?

Now, can you copy that rhythm?


Keep going, keeping the same rhythm if it was tricky to copy, or mixing it up if it was easy.


Well done! You can copy a rhythm!

Now, can you keep the same rhythm going for 3 or 4 ‘rounds’?



Can you match a number of objects to its numeral?

Grown-ups, write the numbers 1-5 on separate pieces of paper (or challenge your child to!)

Can you find a number of items to match the number?

You might find one apple, two socks and so on.

You can use anything at all!


Challenge! Can you say what one more or one less will be?

What about working out how many objects you have all together, if you group you apple and socks (for example)

Encourage pointing to each item as you give it a number.



What is your favourite Nursery Rhyme?

Perhaps you could find something in your house to symbolise your favourite rhymes, and ask your grown-up to guess what it is! I wonder if they manage to guess it correctly!

Here’s a video of Mrs Wessels showing you her favourite Nursery Rhymes. Can you guess what they might be?



Making marks

Mark making is much more than just a scribble! Children learn and begin to make sense of the world through mark making. It is the beginning of a their journey towards writing, and is an important step in a child's development for handwriting, creativity and coordination.


It does not have to be with any form of pen, pencil or crayon – it could simply be with some washing up liquid on a surface or making marks in flour or sand.


Encourage mark making whenever possible (on suitable surfaces!) and remember – it doesn’t need to look like the thing your child says it is!

Try not to ask what they have drawn/created, and rather comment on the skills/colours they have used: “Oh wow, I can see you have used purple to make the circle shapes on your picture!”, for example.


04.01.2021 – 08.01.2021




Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely Christmas break, and enjoyed it in the best way you could.

This is the beginning of the Spring Term – We love Spring time because it is when lots of new things happen. Over the next few weeks, we will be investigating all of these new things together!

We also have some new things happening in Nursery!

We are welcoming new friends into Nursery over the next few days, and we are welcoming Mrs Wessels and Miss Higgins into Nursery too! How lucky are we?!

This gave Miss Bailey a thought.

How can we be kind and helpful friends?

Have a chat with your grown-ups at home to discuss what it means to be a good friend.

You might want to draw a picture of yourself and your friends. If you do, we would love to see them on the Class Blog!



Let’s recap the Numicon we have learned so far (if you are new to Nursery – don’t worry!)

We can use Numicon to help us count, simply by counting the number of holes in the shape. They also have their own colours.

Have a go at making marks to represent each of the numbers on a piece of paper.

Can you put the numbers into the correct order?



Silly Soup!

Mrs Wessels has been looking around her house to make her very own Silly Soup!

Have a look at the video below to see how she makes her Silly Soup.

Can you find some things in your house to make your own version?

Remember! Tell your grown-ups what you have put into your soup – what do all of these words have in common? They should all rhyme!



Taking turns.

Sometimes, we can find taking turns tricky – especially when we are waiting for something particularly exciting like our turn in a game or on the slide!

When we play with others, we need to remember that everyone should be able to have an equal turn!

Have a go at playing some games at home to encourage turn taking. Board games are great for this (and fun too!)

Cooking or baking is another great way to encourage turn taking. For example, “I will crack the eggs into the mixture, then you can mix it up!”



It has been very chilly this week – we hope you have managed to play in the snow!

This made us think of snowy crafts you could make!

You could make your own snowflakes by folding paper and using scissors (supervised, of course!)

If that’s a little tricky for you (Miss Bailey struggles with this, she always cuts the wrong part of the paper and has lots of tiny snowflakes – fun, but a bit messy to clean up!) you could collage your own snowy picture. Tin foil, cotton wool, sequins and glitter are great to use for this! (Beware – glitter will go everywhere – use with caution!)

