Summer 2022
Well this is it then - the last term of Primary School before the next great adventure to Secondary. But not to worry because we have a fabulous series of events all lined up for our final term together.
SATs of course must come first and can be quickly got out of the way before our longed for trip to Robinwood in Cumbria. Look out for the photos.
As well as our Residential we have British Values week, the Queen's Platinum Jubilee to celebrate; our play to rehearse and perform for you all -this year it will be the classic Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat - Mr Abbott has been waiting 3 years for this thanks to Covid; Sports Day; Transition events to 'big school'; Leavers BBQ and Leavers assemblies which are always a fun if emotional time, all culminating in the last day family picnic involving our traditional mass Y6 T-shirt signing. Phew!
Oh and we will carry on learning as well.
So, take a deep breath, jump in and off we go...
Please remember that we will be going back to our usual routines this term. This means a 3.30 finish time and lessons beginning in the classroom at 8.45.
Welcome back to 2022 - Spring Term.
Despite being hemmed in with restrictions due to Covid, we hope and expect to have an action packed term of learning and fun times to turn into memories and useful knowledge to take with us as we continue our learning journey to the end of this year.
Our topic this term is Crime and Punishment through history to the present day. We will learn about the rotten Romans, the terrible Tudors and vicious Victorians. We are looking forward to discovering the stomach churning punishments they used to deal with wrongdoers and then contrast all that with current day crime and punishment. We will ask the Big Question: Do you feel that all crimes should be met with punishment or can/should wrong-doing ever go unpunished?
Of course our English will reflect our Topics so we will study The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes and The Lady of Shallot by Alfred Lord Tennyson. Finally we will investigate the life and times of Nelson Mandela through his autobiography - Long Walk to Freedom. (Children's version)
In Science will learn all about our bodies, our heart and circulatory system. We will consider our fitness and how we can improve it. Additionally, we will consider how our bodies change and our relationships.
In computing, we will continue to learn about our online presence and how to be a responsible internet user. We will consider the rules and pitfalls of not following these in our online lives.
Phew! And all that is without even mentioning SATs .... ooops just did!
To celebrate the lovely work we have been doing in our first half term, Hollywood Class put on a special class assembly for our parents. Our theme was to celebrate the learning of the first half term.
Here are some images from our assembly as well as the powerpoint we made to share with you all. Charlotte wrote her own amazing fact and you can watch her on the video
Some of us were a bit worried about performing in front of people and were afraid we would freeze or forget our lines. But we worried for nothing because everybody was fantastic.
Of course the second amazing thing we did this week was to take the whole of Y6 off to Eden Camp.
What a fabulous time we had.
We were proud to announce our new Student Leadership Teams this week in our parental assembly.
Here are some photos of our House and Sports Prefects, Library, assembly and Computer Prefects as well as our Head Boys and Girls.
September 2021
Welcome to HOLLYWOOD
home of the stars!
My name is Mrs Godfrey and I am proud to be the teacher of Hollywood Class J10.
We are Year Six and alongside our colleagues and peers in New York and Wild West we are embarking on a fabulous journey together into the year 2022.
Along the way we will, as every journey does, have highs and lows, travel to amazing new places and meet astonishing people and we will do it together as a Team.
We will be starting the term with a little bit of learning checking to see where we are against year group expectations. Then we are going to jump straight in and start with our Mini-Topic all about America, California and Hollywood. So exciting. Photos of super work coming soon .......