Welcome to Peru!
Hello, my name is Mrs Ward (formally Miss Dolphin)
I am the teacher of Peru!
Important Information:
Our Timetable
Monday - Use of school library
Tuesday - Indoor PE (please come dressed in your PE kit)
Friday - Star of the week assembly
- Golden Time
School reading books and a water bottle must be brought into school every day.
In Year 5, we explore some very interesting topics.
On this page, you will find pictures and examples of the amazing work we do at HHPS.
We will add more throughout the year so keep looking back to see what we have been up to!
Our Spring topic is Invaders and Settlers, where we will explore the story of Beowulf.
Our Topic this term is focussing on Invaders and Settlers.
We started the term by writing letters to Prince Horsa from King Vortegen asking for protection.
In Spring 2, we are taking a glimpse at Viking weaving.
First of all we designed a weaving pattern on brick patterned paper. This will be the first step of our Viking weaving.
In RE this half term, we are studying many readings from the Bible as we look more in depth at Christianity.
We began Year 5 by researching the country of Peru, looking at the three different terrains in Geography and completed a detailed factfile to describe Peru. Further, we discovered the marvel of Machu Picchu was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983 and was named one of the New Seven Wonders of the World!
Our topic for Autumn term is the Industrial Revolution, where we explored the novel of Street Child by Berlie Doherty in our English lessons, all about the hardships faced by the children of the Victorian Age. We then built upon this learning through our trip to the Beamish Open Air Museum.
On Monday 3rd October 2022 Peru class joined in The Big Anti-Bullying Assembly and pledged "I'm putting my hand up and pledging to put an end to bullying".