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Year 4 – Thailand

Welcome to Thailand!


Hello, my name is Mrs Ward

I am the teacher of Thailand!


Important Information:


Our Timetable

Monday - PE (please come dressed in your PE kit)

Thursday - Library time

 Friday  - Star of the week assembly

            - Golden Time


School reading books and a water bottle must be brought into school every day.



On this page, you will find pictures and examples of the amazing work we do at HHPS. 

We will add more throughout the year so keep looking back to see what we have been up to!

Meet Our Class Representatives


In art, we have learnt  more about the effect of light on colour in everyday life and in art. Applying what we learned previously, we painted a simple object, mixing and using tints and shades to give the appearance of three dimensions.



In Geography this half term, we are learning all about where our food comes from


First, we made connections between the biomes (we learnt about these last half term), where certain foods grow and the conditions they need to flourish; developing an understanding of food choices and their impact on the environment. we created a news report tell inform our viewers how the food we eat impacts our environment.


We have learnt all about how Anglo Saxons built their homes using 'wattle and daub'. This proved very messy, but very fun!


Design and Technology showcase exhibition


Reading is all about adventure – if you’re looking for your next adventure, you’ve come to the right place. From perilous sea voyages, desert strandings and top secret spy missions, pick your destination and books are sure to take you there.



This half term, we have been planning our Year 4 Showcase Assembly!.


First, we got into groups who were going to demonstrate their learning of each subject. Then we began to look through everything that we have learnt so far in Year 4 and planned how we were going to present this to our parents.






Art - Power Prints


We have showcased our learning from across the unit by working in groups to create giant prints inspired by our collages and wax-resist drawings.


Trip to Drinkfield Marsh

Design and Technology

In Design & Technology in Autumn term, we looked at using mechanical systems to create a sling shot car.


We used a range of materials, we  followed instructions to make the chassis of our car and the slingshot launch mechanism, learning that their slingshot cars work by storing kinetic energy in the elastic band before it launches.

Slingshot Cars - DT


Just like in Ancient Greek times, Thailand also take part in democracy. We vote for new ideas as well as School Council representative, Science Squad and Reading Ambassador. 

Locating Key Features of Newspaper Articles

PE - Netball

We have worked hard to learn Netball skill sin PE. 
