Welcome to Koalas!
Important Information:
Our Timetable
Wednesday - Indoor PE (please come dressed in your PE kit)
- Use of school library
Friday - Star of the week assembly
- Golden Time
School reading books and a water bottle must be brought into school every day.
Hello, my name is Mrs Ward.
I am the teacher of Koalas.
In Year 1, we explore some very interesting topics.
Mini Topic - Australia
Autumn Term - All About Me
Spring Term - Our World and Beyond
Summer Term - In The Garden
On this page, you will find pictures and examples of the amazing work we do at HHPS.
We will add more throughout the year so keep looking back to see what we have been up to!
Bugs 'n' Stuff
We loved having some unusual visitors in our classroom.
We saw a ...
Blue Tonged Skink
Stick Insect
We have learnt lots of cool facts.
Did you know...
- there are lots of different types of snakes?
- scorpions glow in the dark?
- we need bugs and animals to help with the environment?
- all stick insects are female?
- animals carefully pick where they sleep/walk/hang to keep to them away from predators?
- snakes are not slimy?
Our Topic this term is 'In The Garden', and we will be looking at Science - plants and trees, Geography - making a map to show where the trees are in our school and Art - printing with different flowers.
We have looked at doubles and halves, arrays and time.
Time -
Doubles -
This term we had a visit from an unidentified flying object which landed in our outdoor area.
Maths - Weight and Capacity
We then looked at Neil Armstrong and the first man on the moon.
Mini Topic - Australia
For the first week of the term, we investigated Australian animals, including koalas. We write a fact file and created a painting of our koalas.
All About Me
This term we have started investigating the human body and the bones that make up our skeleton.
Toys - Autumn 2
We made puppets of our own.
Outdoor learning
Take a look at some of our outdoor learning.