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Year 3 - Japan

Welcome to Japan Class!


Hi Everyone, I'm Miss Thompson and I'm extremely proud to be the class teacher of Japan Class this year! On our journey through Year 3, we will be spending time learning about Japan itself at different points throughout the year! We will then move onto learning about The Stone Age through to the Iron Age, followed by Darlington Now and Then and finishing with The Ancient Egyptians. 


With lots and lots of exciting things ahead, lets put pencil to paper and get this year started...


Japan Class Timetable - Don't forget, P.E. is on a Tuesday so come to school in your P.E. kit!

As part of our Mini Topic work, we learnt all about the Japanese Flag and even created one of our own!

Using Manipulatives in Maths - Representing numbers to 100 and beyond!

We used a search engine called ‘Google’ to find out information about Japan!

Today, we began to think about how we could wash a woolly mammoth, ready for when we are writing our own set of instructions. To explore our fantastic ideas, we noted down on large sheets of paper, we used drama to create a group performance. We included how we were going to coax the woolly mammoth into getting washed and also how we intend to get him to stay there.

Partitioning Numbers up to 1000 using part-whole models to record our answers!

In English, we sorted lots and lots of different words, working hard to identify adjectives as we need a solid understanding of what these are in order to write an excellent setting description of a Stone Age Camp!

In R.E., we worked in groups to create a spider diagram about what we know about the Creation Story!

Stone Age Experience - what an amazing day we had! We first took part in ancient fire lighting demonstrations and then worked 1:1 to create our own fires. We then explored how to make bread, cooked it over an open fire and then tried it. Following this, we explored how to make and use ancient tools, looked at traditional Stone Age animal furs and created our own nomadic shelters. We then finished the day of with a delicious BBQ, a mug of hot chocolate and toasted marshmallows!

In Science, we have been exploring the human body, diet and nutrition and in this lesson, we started by having a go at matching each activity to the energy we think would be used. We then explored a range of food packaging, looking closely at the energy values and making numerical comparisons with the energy in the food packaging and the energy used in different activities that we sorted in the previous activity.

In Science, we explored what it means by eating a balanced diet and how this is different to an unbalanced diet. To do this, we had fun designing a balanced and unbalanced meal and even managed to explain why one meal was healthier than an other.

In English, we have started our new topic by exploring the difference between fiction and non-fiction books and the specific vocabulary inside...

Exciting News! Japan Class have started learning how to play the Ukulele and we thoroughly enjoyed our first lesson!

In English, we have continued to explore a range of non-fiction texts, this time comparing and contrasting the key structural features...

In Science, we started our new topic of Forces and Magnets! We worked together to complete a series of challenges, exploring contact forces to cause different effects on the ball.

We have continued our topic of Forces and Magnets in Science by exploring Friction and its effects. To do this, we slid different bottle caps across the table. Friction caused both bottle caps to slow down and stop. If there was more friction between the surface of the bottle cap and the table, the bottle cap slowed down and stopped quicker than those with less friction.

We have continued our investigation into Friction this week, setting up a comparative and fair test into whether the roughness of a surface affects the amount of Friction produced by thinking carefully about the variable we would change and the variable we would measure. In the end we set up different ramps covered in different materials and measured how far a car travelled down the ramp.

In Science, we continued our topic of Forces and Magnets and planned an investigation into the effects of magnetism on different materials. We focussed on the method we would be using to help answer the question, ‘Which materials are magnetic and which are non-magnetic?’ We discussed key points in investigations, such as variables, and made a prediction of what the result will be. We then followed our written method to sort a variety of materials!

Our next lesson of Science consisted of us exploring different magnets and their strengths by recording the length of a chain of paperclips. We then used these results to create a bar chart, ensuring all the correct features were included.

Over two weeks in PSHE, we learnt about the benefits of healthy eating and dental health. We explored what is meant by a balanced diet and how to keep teeth healthy through research. We then used what we had learnt to create a presentation which we presented to the rest of the class.

In our last lesson of Science for the topic of Forces and Magnets, we explored the uses of different magnets by researching using a variety of sources. We then shared this information with each other.

Throughout P.E. this half term, we have been developing our core strength to improve our reaction times and reflexes. We have worked extremely hard to develop this through balancing in a variety of different situations that we look forward to aplying to a range of different sports in coming months.

World Book Day 2024! So much fun was had reading stories, and becoming published authors by writing our own stories.

Today was the day we showcased our learning to our parents and carers! We started by singing 'Hit the Road Jack' and playing our ukuleles and then moved to our tables we shared our learning as adults walked around. We even challenged our parents which we thoroughly enjoyed as well!

Towards the end of Spring Term, Japan class were very lucky to be given the opportunity to take part in a Dance workshop; exploring the telling of a story through dance. We had an amazing time and it was fantastic to see how truly creative we could be!

In DT, we started our new topic called Mechanical Systems: Pneumatic Toys. The first lesson focussed on exploring different pneumatic systems and how they worked...

In English, we have been reading the text, 'Iron Man'. To fully understand character's feelings, we used drama to explore how Hogarth's feelings would have changed throughout Chapter 2...

We finished our Pneumatic and we are so proud with how they turned out. Not only does the pnematic system inside work, but we thought carefully about the materials we used to decorate!

In English, we explored the power of dialogue and the effect it has within a story. To do this, we used drama to act out the beginning of Chapter 3, using the dialogue from the story and also our own.