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Year 2 - Wombats

Welcome to the Wombat Class!

Hello and welcome to our Class Page. I am Mrs Brown (previously known as Miss Cairns) and I am lucky to be the class teacher of the Wombats and Assistant Headteacher of Key Stage 1. 


You will find snippets of many wonderful activities, experiences and work we have completed in Year 2 so make sure you check back often to have a look!


I can't wait to show you all the wonderful, amazing things we do!

Our Class Timetable:

Wednesday                         Tuesday & Thursday 

Remember to come dressed in your PE kit every Monday.                                                                             Library

Year 2 Snapshot - find out what we will be covering in Year 2 this year.

Remember to complete your maths homework each week. Use the link below to access the website.


Your login will be in your homework book. 

To start our Summer term, we completed work in our Mini Topic looking at the Maori people and their traditions.

We went on a school trip to Low Barns Nature Reserve! We loved our outdoor activities - we went on a nature walk, mini beast hunt and even did come pond dipping! Keep an eye out for our lovely recount writing coming soon . . .

In PSHE and Science, we have been looking at how to stay healthy. We have been looking at different techniques to support healthy wellbeing. We have tried some yoga, mindfulness colouring, lying down and reading a book. We also ate a healthy fruit salad to ensure we are eating a balanced diet.

Healthy Fruit Salad


Wombat Class Assembly

We shared our learning this term with our parents. We shared our work on the continents and sang a song to our parents. Then we shared our work. Some of us shared our African silhouette art, our African animal fact files and our comparisons between life in our country compared to life in Africa. Then for our finale we performed an African animal poem.


The children were absolutely AMAZING! 

Class Assembly

The Tear Thief

In our English work, we have been exploring the story of The Tear Thief by Carol Ann Duffy. We have listened and responded to the story. We have been able to sequence the story and we even became the Tear Thief when we wrote our diary entry as the Tear Thief!

African Sillhoette Art

In Aspirations Week, we welcomed a range of visitors to share with the children the role they do in their job. We had a range of people from nurses, midwife, airport staff and a radio producer!


In Year 2, we looked in detail at the travel industry. We explored destinations we would like to visit then made our very own passport and boarding pass so we can jet off to these faraway places. After that, we needed to go through airport security before entering the waiting area. Once seated on the plane, the air marshall helped us take off to the skies. We were greeted by the travel attendants who shared the safety procedures and served us a drink and a snack. 

Children in Need - the theme this year was spotty! We created a spotty poem about a Dalmatian or a Tiger Quoll. Then we used dots to create an eye.

We have planted trees around the perimeter of the fence. We can't wait until they start growing!

In our Topic work, we practised using a range of medias: Pencil, Chalk and Charcoal. We then had a go at drawing George Stephenson's train using each one. We evaluated the medias explaining which one we preferred to use.

Science Squad - some of us presented our pledge to our class. The class used their democratic skills by voting for who they felt will be successful as a Science Squad member! Well done to Maisie who became our Science Squad member.

Many children presented their pledge for School Council members. Each person voted to say who the person would be to represent them as a class. Well done to Amber!

In Maths, we have been working on Place Value. We have used our maths manipulatives to solve problems.

As part of our Journeys topic work, we have been focusing on History looking at George Stephenson. We visited the Locomotion in Shildon to find out more about George Stephenson and trains. We even looked at the Locomotive and used our sketching skills to draw it.

In English, we shared our planning with our peers to discuss how we could structure our recount. We listened out for time adverbs e.g. next, after that

In Science, we have been exploring our topic on Materials and their properties. We had to feel the materials in a feely box and try and guess which material was hidden in the box using our knowledge of materials from Year 1.

We enjoyed making our stained glass windows in RE to represent love.

In Science, we set up our own investigation to find out which material was the most suitable for an umbrella.

We enjoyed STEM week. In our groups, we planned and explored ideas using prototypes and resources in the classroom. As part of our making stage, we used a variety of materials to make a bridge which could hold the most weight. We used skills to strengthen our bridge supports. Then we tested how much each bridge could hold and evaluated our designs in a group.

Circus Tricks - we had a visitor who came in and taught us some circus tricks! We loved it.

CHRISTMAS DELIVERY. We planned, drafted and published letters inviting classes to our dress rehearsal. Then we made special deliveries to the individual classes. We even received some replies!