A really warm welcome to HHPS website and we hope to our school in the future if you are reading all about us.
I have been at Harrowgate Hill as Headteacher since 2018 having moved 'back to the North' after 20 odd years teaching in the South East, during which time I was head of two other Primary Schools.
I have to say (and I don't just say it because I work here) but the staff and pupils at HHPS are some of the most welcoming and friendly I have ever had the privilege of working with. We are also lucky to have an incredibly supportive and knowledgeable Governing Body who are very invested in our school.
I am originally from Scotland myself and have a passion for Doctor Who, cats and all things Marvel and DC. I am working to develop passions and ambitions in our children so they are as enthusiastic about something they love. Each week we develop our growing school love of facts in our celebration assembly. For example, did you know that a crocodile cannot stick its tongue out? We know this stuff because each week a different pupil shares their fascinating facts in assembly and now we literally know hundreds of them :-)
I hope that if you are interested in sending your child to HHPS that you will come along and see us in person as we are much better in real life than we are on the internet. Make an appointment with the school office any time and we hope that you will consider joining the HHPS family :-)
Together we make magic happen!