Well done New York...we won the attendance for KS2 all year long!
Also can we give a big well done to the following:
Our citizen of the term for year 6...
Someone who is so kind and caring. Someone who helps others when they're stuck or gives them a 'shoulder to cry on' when they're upset. Someone who always has a BIG smile on their face, perfect manners and always says good morning and asks how you are...soooo well done to...LEAH W!!!
Our New York Star of the Year...
This went to someone who is a quiter member of the class but who always has her head down and is focussed. She is always polite with perfect manners, has a smile for you and I've never even had to mutter her name this year to remind her to stay focussed...she just always is! It's someone who not only has behaved immaculately but someone who has improved SO much since September in her assessments as she has tried her best in everything she does.
Soooo well done to...Lacey M!!!!
See the pictures above (ft our very own Joshua holding our attendance award).
We're nearly there year 6! It's been a long year but we've made it.
I just want to say a big thank you...
Thank you for all the smiles when you enter the class.
Thank you for keeping my spirits high when things were stressful.
Thank you for working so hard in every lesson.
Thank you for all the terrible jokes.
Thank you for smashing every task that has been given.
Thank you for being so kind to not only me but everyone in the class.
Thank you for making my first year teaching with my own class so memorable and fun.
Good luck New York...go out and change the world!!!
Thank you to everyone in New York who has made this summer term so lovely. We've had some really amazing work happening...whether that is some fabulous dialogue writing about The Listeners, some superb spiral work in maths and some amazing Banksy inspired art work.
Let's not forget all the fun stuff we have been doing so far. We've had an amazingly fun and energetic visit from a professional athlete and raised some money in the process. Look at us go!
Well done to all who went to Kingswood (and those who worked hard in school). What a fabulous trip! I was so proud to see so many people try their absolute best and conquer their fears.
I would like to give a special shout out to my group, in particular my New York children. We had a lot of bravery (and our very own Spider Monkey- Leah) but in particular I would like to shout out Hannah and Ava. After a lot of fear and worry about the abseiling, you did it! Plus you absolute smashed it. We should all be so proud of ourselves.
It was not only lovely to see you show bravery yourselves but it was amazing to see you support those around you. In particular, supporting me and getting me up on that zip wire and abseiling. So worth it!
I'll even give you the chance to laugh at me and my little scream...this one time
What a fun term we've had so far. You've come back after Easter and adapted so well! It can be scary thinking about our transition to our next schools but these next months are leading up to that and it's equally as exciting!
We've been having some fun in English. We are looking at Macbeth and we had our very own courtroom as children portrayed characters from the story. We had to then try and work out which character had killed King Duncan.
We even had a judge, prosecutor and defence!
In class, the children had to work in partners or small groups and create a presentation based on a topic they are super passionate about. They had to then present these to the front and convince the class to believe the point they were making. We had so many brave students present and I can definitely see some future world leaders!
What a success World Book Day was! I was in school teaching the key worker children so I got to watch all the fun mask making but I loved seeing them at home on the blogs too! Plus, I got to host our masked reader. It was amazing to see so many children willing to volunteer and look/sound silly in the name of World Book Day.
Did you spot me during our masked reader game?
Just wanted to leave a note to say WELL DONE to everyone for sticking out this home learning. Whether you're at home or a key worker, you're all smashing it. Remember to give your parents/carers a hug or a thank you for helping you along or simply just making sure you're on the correct zoom link. It's a weird way to learn but you've all done amazingly and it's so fab to see how much work you're producing on the blog.
I hope you had an amazing break and relaxed for a full week. I know I did.
Let's keep up your hard work...Easter holidays are in sight!
Goodbye 2020
Just a message to say thank you New York for a fab first term. I know it's been weird having to adapt to this new crazy world, but you've all done such a fab job.
Also a HUGE well done to those who won our £5 amazon gift vouchers for the most improved in their recent assessments. Your hard work has paid off! These were:
My maths class: Leah
My english class: Luca
Mrs Brown's maths class: Connie
Mrs Brown's english class: Lilly-Alice
Mr Abbott's maths class: Max and Mia.
9 vouchers were handed out and 6 of these were from New York...how fab are we?!
We also recently handed out Star of the Term and this went to Mason. Mason has worked so hard and is always on his best behaviour and polite. He is also the first person on his hands and knees trying to tidy up the classroom- what a star!
I hope you all have a fabulous holiday and whether you celebrate Christmas or not...enjoy this time with your loved ones and eat lots of scrummy food! Looking forward to seeing you in January...here's to 2021!!!
Half-Term (wooooo)
Just a little message to say thank you to my amazing New Yorkers. It's been a strange seven weeks. Coming into a learning environment after so long away is super strange but you've all done amazing (and no doubt, have never had cleaner hands). It's a shame that our last week was cut short but you've all adjusted to it fabulously and it's been great to see some of your faces over zoom, especially if you're in my maths. However, I am silently watching you all in the English zoom calls and beaming with pride when some of you clever clogs come up with some amazing answers- I knew we were the best class All I can say now is enjoy your half term (once the isolation period passes of course- not long now) and get plenty of brain rest as you are going to need it when you come back!
Keep your eye out for photos and plenty of updates on this page next term. Have fun and be safe
Meet the teacher
Sadly, due to corona virus, we cannot hold our meet the teacher! However, below is a powerpoint where you can learn all about me and our class!
Hello and welcome!
My name is Miss Stokes and I am new to Harrowgate Hill Primary and super excited to be the class teacher for New York! With all the craziness of 2020, I'm looking forward to getting some normality back in our lives and starting a new and exciting chapter together. I am confident that throughout this year we are going to expand our knowledge, learn some new skills, overcome some challenges and have the best time ever!
This term we will be learning all about World War 2. This will not only be taught in history, but also in our Literacy as we read together 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas'. We are currently learning about Electricity in Science and how circuits work (we have already produced some great work).
We are currently reading as a class (at the end of each day):
'Operation Gadgetman!' by Malorie Blackman
Together we are going to tackle the challenges and new skills that Year 6 will throw our way- whilst also washing our hands...A LOT.
Just a little PS...remember our P.E day is Monday so come to school in your P.E kit (black joggers, black hoodie, house t-shirt colour and trainers).
Every Friday, I am going to give out:
This will be due the following Thursday. Don't forget to be sticking your work into your books so we don't lose it and bringing it into school every Thursday for me to have a look at
Here's to the class of 2021!!