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Please note, as from Monday June 1st year 1 Home Learning packs can be found in:

Children - Home Learning - Year 1 

Learning Pack 8

Learning Pack 7

Learning Pack 6

Third week back after Easter - Learning Pack 5

Online phonics lessons for Letters and Sounds


The DfE have made online phonics lessons available for parents. A new lesson will be available to access daily from Monday to Friday at the times allocated below.



11 am*


Learning to blend

Phase 2 recap

For children in Reception and Year 1 who need extra practice sounding and reading words such as ‘tap’ ‘cap’ ‘mat’ ‘pat’



10 am*


Reception Summer term

Phases 3 & 4

For Reception children who can blend and read words such as ‘fish’ ‘chat’ and ‘rain’



10:30 am*


Year 1 Summer term

Phase 5

For Year 1 children who can confidently blend and read words such as ‘stamp’ ‘chair’ and ‘green’


The online lessons are designed to cover new phonics teaching that that children would have received over the summer term had they been in school.

Second week back after Easter - Learning Pack 4

First week back after Easter - Learning Pack 3

Please click here to find the second home learning pack. The first home learning pack can be found further down this page!



Dear Parents,


Your child has taken home a  learning pack today which consists of a Maths and an English booklet for their relevant Year Group as well as an exercise book with a project based task. The packs will support what we have already taught this year.


Please do not start these packs (unless your child is self-isolating). These packs have been prepared in the event that schools are nationally closed as a result of Government recommendations. 


These packs will not be marked as passing them all back into school increases potential infection, they are designed to support student study at home.



Additional Learning Activities could include:

  • Frequent reading (1:1 or as a family)
  • Oliver Jeffers (The Author of ‘Lost & Found’) is reading one of his texts, daily at 6pm (on his Instagram Account)
  • Baking (links to weighing and measuring)
  • Playing board/ card games
  • Making play dough
  • Playing with/ sorting money, writing a shopping list (you could research prices online)
  • Easter crafts – Easter bonnets, decorating eggs etc
  • Teach children how to tie shoe laces
  • Den Building
  • Make crafts (cards, puppets, musical instruments)
  • Look through old photographs and talk about them together
  • Make a phone call to a loved one
  • Write a letter for a neighbour

Please find below the learning from home documents for Year 1 children.


Our topic is toys. 

We have read 'Dogger' and 'Toys in Space'. 

We have been doing lots of work on toys in our English and Topic lessons, just ask us about this. 

We even bought our own toys in to school.




Check us out with our toys.

They were so interested to find out what we have been doing all day! We told them everything. 

Please look at some of our amazing work: 

World Book Day
