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Year 5

Academic Year 2021-2022

Spring Term - Home Learning 

Week Beginning 14.2.22

Autumn Term - Home Learning 

15 Activities to do at home


How many will you do?


  1. Teach yourself a ‘how to draw a ... ’ using an online tutorial.
  2. Hot seating – you and your family can pretend to be a favourite tv/story character.
    Encourage everyone else to interview the person in the hot seat and guess who it is.
  3. Learn another language. Use the internet, a book or a family member to help.
  4. Do some research and use craft materials to make a Mayan artefact.
  5. Explore and record all the wildlife in your garden.
    Can you turn it in to an investigation and create a results table and conclusion.
  6. Write an alternative end for one of your favourite stories.
  7. Create a diary for the week, add to it each night.
    Include as much detail as you can.
  8.  Make your own family tree; see if you can add photos or a description for each member of your family.
  9. Look at weather maps online and make your own weather forecast. Can you predict next week’s weather?
  10. Home dance class – join in with an online dance video.
  11. Chromatography experiment – Put felt tip dots on a piece of kitchen roll, dip it in water or add drips of water and watch the colours split and spread.
  12. Look at a map and create a route to a family member’s home, write step by step instructions for someone to follow.
  13. Learn a simple song in sign language.
  14. Invisible ink – use lemon juice and a few drops of water.  Use a paint brush dipped into the lemon juice to write a secret message on paper. Place it on the radiator or in the sun to reveal the hidden message.
  15. Create a character and story name for a new David Walliams book.

Academic Year 2020-2021

Welcome to Spring Term 2021.


Welcome back to our Spring Term.


If you are doing your lessons from home at any time this term, please  aim for one mathematics session, one English session and one other topic of your own choice every day. 

Try to read at least one chapter of your book - even better if you could read with someone or chat to them about what you are reading. 

If you wish to contact your teachers to share your fantastic work or ask a question then don't forget our school Blog page.  We do keep an eye on posts and will get back to you.

If you have trouble with online resources, then contact our admin office and we can post home the task pack to you. 

Week beginning Monday 12th October
Please note, English this term is based on the book, 'Street Child' by Berlie Doherty. Let us know if you need a copy!
WC 5.10.20

Please note, English this term is focussed on the book 'Street Child' by Berlie Doherty. This links with our topic on 'The Industrial Revolution'. If you are unable to get hold of a copy let us know! Thanks.


Topic WC 28.09.20

Academic Year 2019-2020

Hello Year 5 

It is now officially Summer term 2! That means in a short time it will be the 6 week holidays.

While you are at home we will add your home learning onto this page from now on. smiley 

We are missing you lots and are so proud of you all.

We have loved seeing what you have been up to on your blogs, keep updating us! 


Home Learning Packs are available from the office every Monday.

However, we have tried to make as many of the activities as possible none worksheet related so questions and tasks can be done on paper. 

SPAG week 3

We would like you to try the questions and then look at the powerpoints to find the answers and how you would correctly answer it on a SPAG test in readiness for Year 6. 

Year 5 Summer Spellings
