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We have a couple of games for you to play today.



Use the flashcards we sent in the home learning pack. Use a selection of cards your child needs to practise.

Lay the flashcards on the floor or on a table. As you say a sound your child needs to ‘zap’ the single sound or digraph that you say.

You can also get your child to say the sounds and you zap them – your child can play at teacher and check if you got it right!


Full Circle

The aim of this game is to make the first word using the flashcards and then by changing one letter at a time work through the list of words until you are back where you started!


Game 1

You will need the following flashcards: b i n t p h d m n

Words to make: bin, tin, tip, hip, him, dim, din, bin


Game 2

You will need the following flashcards: or b c f p k s m t d n

Words to make: born, corn, cord, ford, fort, port, pork, fork, cork, corn, born
