Year Six
Class of 2024
Well here we are - our final year together. What an exciting year we have to look forward to.
Our Topic this term will be to learn about the past as we investigate the Second World War and read the novel 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas'.
Homework will no longer be placed on the Century Tech platform but will be handed out as paper copies. Children have one week to return homework - which is marked on the day set with the children. Reading books should be read daily at home and pages recorded on the Boom Reader App - again please let me know if you need support to log on. Children can also record any books they have read for pleasure either school library book or own novels, hobby books and comics.
If you have not already done so, please ask for a Class Dojo login.
PE will be each Wednesday afternoon so please could the children wear non branded plain black kit with a House coloured T Shirt. Trainers worn on PE days and school shoes as normal uniform days.
Please name all clothing and coats.
I will continue to post news and reminder messages on the class Dojo so keep a look out for that.
Well now we truly are the Class of 2024. Exciting times ahead.
First and foremost we will be working towards our end of Key Stage Two tests in May.
( See timetable below)
We continue to embed our new curriculum - KAPOW - and are really enjoying the more practical and fast paced lessons.
Well the daffodils are emerging and the days are getting longer and warmer.
We have had some interesting and varied lessons with our KAPOW scheme and I am looking forward to teaching some of the units coming up next.
DT this term was creating a model using a computer design programme called TinkerCAD. The brief was to invent a new product.
I am sure you will agree that the end products, which the children sold to each other 'Dragons Den' style are amazing.