Welcome to Panda Class!
Hi Everyone, I'm Miss Thompson and I'm extremely proud to be the class teacher of Panda Class this year! On our journey through Year 3, we will be spending time learning about Hong Kong and obviously our friend the Panda! We will then move onto learning about The Stone Age through to Iron Age, followed by Our Country, Our Home and finishing with The Egyptians.
With lots and lots of exciting things ahead, lets put pencil to paper and get this year started...
Friday 18th March was Red Nose Day (Comic Relief). We had lots of activities including building a habitat for our red noses out of Lego and practising stacking cups in preparation for Star Assembly!
On Thursday 10th March children in Panda class took part in a Yoga taster session.
Jacob - 'When we meditated we had to lie on the floor and blow imaginary balloons, then imagine where the balloon would take you. It was very relaxing'
Oscar - 'Yoga was relaxing because we got to lie down and blow and imaginary balloon.'