Today, you may like to attend your lessons wearing the colours of the French Flag (red, white and blue).
Building a French Landmark
Think about the French landmarks that you have learnt about. How could we build them. Use the resources to research different ways that you could make a structure and build your own. How you do this is completely up to you, but you will need to think about the materials that you will need and how you will join them effectively to make your structures strong enough, but also how you will make it look like the real thing!
Here are some examples:
Now that you have built your landmark (it doesn't have to be the Eiffle Tower!) can you blog a photograph? You may have also drawn your design before you started. We want to know:
* How tall is your structure?
* What is is made from?
*What did you use to join the pieces together?
* What went well?
* What went not so well?