Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor. There is also information about who attends which committee and the attendance at meetings for the previous year.
The Governing Body of Harrowgate Hill Primary School is made up of:
1 Local Authority Governor
1 Associate Governor
2 Parent Governors
6 Co-opted Governors
2 Staff Governors including the Headteacher
The Governing Body has a Clerk who takes the minutes of all Full Governing Body and Committee meetings, and is a point of contact in the school for governors.
The core committees are:
Plus an Inclusion Group which reports to the Governing Body regarding Safeguarding & Child Protection, Special Educational Needs, Pupil Premium, Looked After Children, Equalities, Diversity and E-Safety. Individual Governors also report to the Governing Body regarding Development & Training, Health & Safety, Trips and Visits and Website Compliance.