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                                                              Welcome to our class page! 

Teacher: Miss Chapman 

Teaching Assistant: Miss Taylor

Children: 24 playful penguins! 





Our creative focus has been drawing. We have looked at observational drawing, step by step drawing and drawing using different media. 

...our next focus is storytelling!! 



Rainbow Day

We came to school dressed in our rainbow clothes. We made lots of rainbow art... check it out below! 





Back to School

We have loved being back in school and spending time with our friends. We have been doing lots of playing and group work to remind ourselves about school and to talk about our lockdown experiences!  



We have a different start to 2021 than we had hoped for when we had to go into another lockdown. The children have been amazing working at home, in school or a combination of both. You can see everything the home learners got up to on our blogs page. Our parents have been wonderful at supporting their learning at home and we are so thankful for this. 


Here are some of the things the school based learners have got up to.

We are so glad the children are able to all come back to school soon!




Christmas 2020


We met Santa today! He flew into our playground and asked us what we wanted for Christmas! Good news... we are all on the good list! :)


We are working hard on our special Christmas Concert! It will be on the website very soon!! 

We had a lovely party day! We had a party picnic and disco with lots of party games. Some of us made party hats too! 




We learnt about Diwali this week. It is the 'Festival of Light' and is celebrated by Sikh and Hindu families. 

We learnt about the story of Rama and Sita and looked at how Diwali is celebrated.

We made rangoli patterns out of bright colours and lots of shapes. Then we had a go at making our own Diva Lamps by sculpting the clay. 




Remembrance Day

We learnt about why we wear Poppies on Remembrance Day and what they symbolise. 

The children then made their own poppies. 



Bonfire Night

Remember, Remember the fifth of November...

We learnt about Bonfire Night and the history behind it. We made lots of firework pictures using paint, chalk and water. Some children even acted out being fireworks by doing star jumps and shouting BANG! 



Crazy Hair Day



Good to be Green Reward

All the children who stayed green on our behaviour system all half term got to make a spider puppet as a treat! 



Still image for this video


Scary Skeletons 

With Halloween coming up, the children entered a school competition to design a costume or pumpkin. A couple of Penguins said they were going as skeletons. We borrowed the school skeleton and learnt about the bones in our body. We then had a go at drawing our own skeletons. 




This week we started our first bikeability sessions. We loved riding the balance bikes and can't wait to learn the next steps to riding a bike. 




This week we have been learning about Autumn. We were interested in what happens to the leaves and the trees in Autumn so we went for a walk around our school grounds. 


We looked closely at the leaves, acorns and conkers we found. We used the leaves to make leaf men pictures, do leaf rubbings and make our own autumn pictures by printing with the leaves. 



Meet the Teacher


Usually at this time of year we offer parents and carers the chance to come into school one afternoon at the end of the school day to meet their child's teacher, find out a bit more about their class and be reminded of things that we do in class along with what their child needs etc. Unfortunately at this present time, due to the Covid-19 situation, we are unable to do this. Instead we have made a PowerPoint for you to look through with the information that we would have shared with you. Please take some time to look through and if you have any questions or queries please feel free to ask us at drop off or pick up. Don't forget we are always here if you need to know anything about school or your child's progress, please just ask!




Marvellous Models


This week we have inspired by the book 'When I build with blocks'. We have worked with our friends to build towers, steam castles, bug hotels and rockets! Check out our hard work below... 

We also like building outside. Ashton and Joshua made an obstacle course. All of the children enjoyed having a go! 


Our First Visit to Reception


We have loved exploring our new classroom and outdoor area and meeting some of our new classmates! We are looking forward to meeting the rest of the Penguins on Monday! 
