Welcome to New York!
This term, we are studying the Tudors. We are focusing on how the landscape and population has changed since then as well as comparing Tudor times to modern day. We will explore who Henry V111 is and his role within History.
Through our English lessons, we will explore Shakespeare and his work on Macbeth.
Over the Spring Term we learnt all about Crime and Punishment through the ages and compared this to how we deal with crime now.
We looked at this topic through our History lessons as well as our Literacy lessons.
We studied: The Highway Man, The Lady of Shalott and Nelson Mandela-Long Walk to Freedom.
We also put on a class assembly for the parents to attend. We explained all about Crime and Punishment through the ages and even sang a song about Tudor punishments! We are glad some of those punishments are no longer around!
Together we are going to tackle the challenges and new skills that Year 6 will throw our way but we can do it together!
Here's to the class of 2022!!
A few reminders
PE Day
Homework is handed out on a Friday and is to be returned to school the following Thursday.
Spellings will be issued on a Thursday.