Home Learning Ideas
Hello Pandas,
Please find below some suggested activities and websites that you might find useful to keep you busy whilst learning at home. Lots of these ideas we already do at school so you will be experts on completing them already!
Hit the Button (interactive game found here)
Twinkl Go (Login NH5106)
Set up your own shop and put prices on items. Can you find the correct change?
Become shape investigators - Can you find any 3D or 2D shapes in your home?
Ask your family/friends about their favourite animal, food, colour etc. and create tally charts, bar charts and pictograms to show your findings.
Fizz Buzz - Count up in 1's but instead of saying a multiple of 3 you say Fizz and instead of saying a multiple of 4 you say Buzz.
White Rose Maths - Daily Lessons (found here)
Write a letter to a family member or a neighbour.
Write a diary entry each day - this will be fun to look back at when you're older! Can you draw a picture each day to show what you have done?
Create a comic strip of your day.
Design a poster for a new invention.
Write a newspaper article of something interesting that happened that day.
Find a picture (this could be from the internet, newspaper, magazine, book etc) and think about what questions you have about that picture. If there is a person in the picture, what would you like to ask them?
Spellings (The Year 3/4 spelling words can be found below for key words to be learning)
Create a word search.
Choose 5 words each day and ask someone to test you on them at random points during the day.
Can you write the spelling words in rainbow colours? (each letter a different colour)
Guess the word - act it out, only give certain letters, jumbled up words, write it in the air, write it in glitter/sand, find the letters in old newspapers/magazines and cut them out.
Spooky Spellings (interactive game found on here)
Become a chef- learn how to cook/bake something
Become an artist - create something - anything!
Become a teacher - learn a new skill and teach it to someone else
Become a gardener - water plants, help them to grow, explore the outside
Become an author - write your own story (don't forget to design a front cover and write the blurb!)
Become an illustrator - design your own book character
Become an architect - if you have lego (or something similar) you could design your own building, create the tallest towers, design a new part of the school etc.
I can't wait to hear all about what you've been up to!
Miss Mullett
(The most recent week is at the top of this section so you don't need to keep scrolling down each time. Hope this helps!)
Week 8
Happy Half-Term Pandas!
I know lots of you have been working super hard at home and I am very proud of every single one of you! Enjoy your half-term either taking part in home learning or not. You don't have to as you would normally be enjoying your time relaxing at home. So please make sure you do this!
For those of you who are stuck for something to do - I have found a couple of activities that are really easy to just dip in and out of throughout the week as you choose to!
I don't know if any of you have already been using a website called Cosmic Kids Yoga but if you haven't it really is a lovely idea. You can do a quick yoga session or spend a bit longer - the whole family can even get involved! It does link to YouTube so make sure you have an adult nearby as you already know in your e-safety rules. Click here.
I found some lovely outdoor maths activities that can be done outside using natural objects! Some of them look really interesting so do let me know if you complete any of the challenges!
Finally - Audible has free audio books for you to listen to. There are lots of very interesting ones so sit back, relax and listen to someone read to you. It is always the calmest, quietest moment of our day when we are in the classroom so I know how much you enjoy it! There are lots of books on there so make sure an adult checks your choice before you start it to make sure it is suitable. Click here.
Most of all - enjoy this week and make sure you take some time for yourself to relax.
Love Miss Mullett x
Week 7
Hi Pandas,
I hope you are all ok and still enjoying this sunshine! It's hard to believe how lucky we have been to have such lovely weather.
This week I have uploaded some English, Maths and Science work. In English, there is some work on inverted commas - this is something every single one of you need practice with so I have also included a Power Point for you to go through first to remind you of how to use them. Remember - inverted commas show what is being said and so should only go around the words that would be spoken out loud.
Next, we have some fractions challenge cards. Remember BBC Bitesize is there if you need any help with anything or just a quick reminder!
In the Summer term we would have been looking at the Topic 'Light' in Science. As we have missed lots of it, I thought I would upload some of the learning we may have been doing. There is a Power Point to work through and activities along the way. The worksheets are there if you are able to print them but if not every single one of them can be done on any piece of paper. Even the sorting cards can be put into a table that you have drawn yourself!
Finally - and there isn't a sheet for this - but I would like you to write down 3 things that you are grateful for and then decorate it with drawings of things that make you happy. For example, I would write down that I am grateful for technology to speak to my family, friends and class, my dogs Rosie and Harvey and music to listen to in the sunshine.
What are you grateful for?
Love Miss Mullett x
Week 6
Hi Pandas,
This week for your Maths work I would like you to have a look at this link here. Now, I know how much you love a Maths challenge in my class so on this website there are lots of ideas for you to use! The ones I have linked you to only require a pencil, a piece of paper and a bit of resilience (this means you'll give it a go and won't give up)! Remember, it is supposed to be a challenge so you may not find the answer straight away for some of them!
I have also re-uploaded our writing prompts from a couple of weeks ago - choose another one to write about. You could even look back at your last piece if you still have it and think about how you could improve for this piece. Maybe you need to use more adjectives? More fronted adverbials? A wider range of punctuation? Inverted commas? Remember to look at our Year 3 Writing Mat to help you.
I have really missed learning French so I thought you could have a look at this sheet and practice with your family. Most of these words/phrases you already know but there's a couple at the end that will be new to you! This sheet shows you the English and French translation as well as how to pronounce it.
Finally, I would like you to create a map of your local area - it could be your journey to school, your street, the street around our school. Anything at all! If you can't remember exactly what is there you could use Google Maps to remind you. Alternatively, create your own fantasy town map - I know I want a huuugeee puppy park in my fantasy town and a place to buy pizza and waffles (my favourite)!
Remember - I would love to see any work you have completed on our class blog! It has been lovely speaking to some of you already.
Miss Mullett x
Week 5
Hello Pandas,
I hope you have been reading lots of interesting books - remember you can access accelerated reader at home using the letter your grown ups were sent. I've had a look and a couple of you are doing your tests so a big well done and high-five to you! I have added a book review for this week. You could draw your own but with the same questions answered if you are unable to print out the sheet. I would love some new book recommendations so be sure to send them to me once they are finished!
There are also some addition and subtraction questions for you to complete. You don't need to do them all if you don't want to and as always they range in challenge so look at which ones you feel comfortable with. Remember BBC Bitesize is always there if you need a reminder of the formal written method.
I have been watching lots of films recently and have been noticing how much the music has an impact on the scene. I found this sheet online which helps you to create your own soundtrack to a movie. Choose a scene from your favourite movie, mute it and create your own music to play in the background. Remember you don't need any instruments - a spoon and pan makes a great drum, rice inside of a (tightly sealed!) container makes a great rain stick and a tissue box with elastic bands/bobbles tied around makes a great guitar! Be as creative as you can in both your instruments and the music you make.
Finally, I want to remind you of how absolutely amazing every single one of you are. I am so very proud of you and all of your hard work at home. So I have included an activity to remind you of just how fantastic you are and to make sure you remember this too.
Love Miss Mullett x
Week 4
Good afternoon Pandas,
This week, there is a task sheet with two mini tasks and one main task based on the picture 'A Dangerous Pet'. I have taken this from pobble365.com which uploads pictures and tasks like this every day if you wanted to do more!
There is also a SPAG sheet for you to work through, as usual there are 3 tasks which vary in challenge so choose which one you feel most comfortable with or start on the first one and work through.
I have uploaded a Maths emoji challenge which needs you to use your knowledge of addition and subtraction to find the answers. Try to use the formal written method for both of these (this means column subtraction and addition). If you need a reminder of how to do this - click here.
It is very important to take this time to explore the world around you (as much as we can!). Therefore, I have created my own scavenger hunt for you to complete. You can always take pictures of what you have found and upload them to our blog! It will be very interesting to see what we have all found!
Have a fantastic week!
Love Miss Mullett x
Week 3
Hello Pandas,
This week we have some lovely creative writing prompts for you to use to write your own stories. Choose the one that interests you the most and gets your imagination flowing. I've uploaded our Year 3 Writing Mats too that you usually have on your tables to help you to use all of those Year 3 writing techniques we have been learning. Once you've written your story maybe you could make a den like we did on World Book Day and read it to someone? I know how much we loved doing this! It was one of my favourite days with all of you.
As a class, we worked so hard on our handwriting last term. I was honestly so proud of every single one of you for either attempting joined up or perfecting your joined up handwriting. I know how tricky some of you find it. I have uploaded the home access letter that was previously sent out to remind you how to access the online resources for our handwriting scheme. I have also uploaded the alphabet using Letter Join for you if you need a quick reminder of how to form each letter. Maybe you could practice your Year 3/4 spelling words using this handwriting?
I have also uploaded a Maths Activity Mat with lots of different questions based on what we have been learning. If you or your adults (I often need a reminder too!) need some help to do these questions have a look on BBC Bitesize - (found here) which is a really useful resource. There are 3 levels of difficulty so either choose which one looks right for you or start at the one star and move up if you feel confident.
I would absolutely love to see any of the work you do at home so please upload anything you have been up to on our class blog - I am eagerly waiting to read your blog posts! You should have all received your logins now.
Love Miss Mullett x
Week 2
Hello Pandas!
I hope you had a lovely Easter weekend eating lots of lovely chocolate treats!
As we would have been starting to look at the Ancient Egyptians during the Summer term I thought I would give you some Egyptian themed work! I loved looking at hieroglyphs last year so I know you will love it to. I wonder if you can write a whole sentence in hieroglyphs? The reading comprehension has 3 levels of difficulty (1 star is the red level, 2 stars is the yellow level, 3 stars is the green level). You know which colour you would normally complete in class but if you want to challenge yourself or are finding your level tricky feel free to change this!
There is also a times tables challenge for you to complete- I wonder if anyone in my maths class can remember my favourite times table? Can you see it in the challenge? You could write the answers down or just get someone to read each question out and test you! Maybe you could time how long it takes you to complete a certain number of questions? Try to beat your time!
Someone asked me the question the other day 'What would happen if we didn't have any numbers?'. It really got me thinking and I thought it would get your brain thinking too. Would we have time? Money? How could the buses and trains run on time without numbers? Would we be allowed numbers written as words (such as 'one' instead of '1')? I wonder if you could think of a way for the world to work without numbers? Would the world actually be better without numbers?
I've also uploaded a brain breaks activity - sometimes I think it is nice to just sit and have a minute to relax and switch off. You can do these at any time of the day when you just need to chill out!
Week 1
Hi Pandas,
I hope you are all well and enjoying this small bit of sunshine we have at the moment. I have been keeping busy by reading, playing with my dogs and getting things ready for you to do at home. I am missing you lots but I can't wait to hear about all the lovely things you have been doing at home with your family.
Each week, I will put up a few activities that you could be doing at home. You don't need to do them all at once or even in the right week! They are just things to keep your brain working when you have the chance to do so. Also, please don't feel you need the sheets printed to do any of this work - you can write the answers down on any piece of paper or you can just tell an adult/sibling your answers. You could even just work it out in your head if it's easier! Please just do whatever works for you and your family. The most important thing is to enjoy your time with your family and keep safe!
Speak to you next week!
Miss Mullett
Who is the adventurer in the story?
Can you think of a good name for him?
Why does he want to climb High Hrothgar?
Why are people afraid of the mountain?
What do you think awaits him at the top?
What might the adventurer be carrying with him?
What would you take with you on an expedition such as this?
Last term, we enjoyed learning about plants and flowers. Below is a link to the BBC - Primary Science website with lots of videos (including my favourite!) about this topic. Beside each video is a suggested activity that you could do or adapt depending on what you have in and around your home. Alternatively, watch the video and try to teach somebody else about what you found out.
Key Information:
Mini Topic
As part of our 'Asia Mini Topic' we are learning all about Hong Kong and Pandas! We are looking at the history of China, the world-famous Hong Kong skyline, different types of pandas and much more!
Autumn: The Stone Age to the Iron Age
During our Autumn Term, we are going to be learning all about the Stone Age! We can't wait to find out lots of interesting information and what life was like for the Stone Age people!
Spring: Heroes and Villains
During our Spring Term, we are going to be looking at all different types of heroes and villains. We are going to read the book 'Gangsta Granny' by David Walliams and discuss which of these characters are villains and which are heroes. Miss Mullett is looking forward to making her own superhero mask later in the term!
Summer: Ancient Egyptians
During our Summer Term, we are going to be learning all about the Ancient Egyptians and how their inventions and discoveries have shaped our own lives today.
Autumn Term
Topic: Stone Age to Iron Age
This term, we have had some fantastic opportunities to enrich our learning in lots of ways. Take a look at the pictures below to see what we have been up to!
Spring Term
Topic: Heroes and Villains
Take a look at the pictures below to see what we have been up to during our Spring Term!
Wow! What a fantastic World Book Day we had in Pandas!
We absolutely loved wearing our pyjamas and cosy clothes all day... although some of us wanted to have a nap at one point during the day! It was so strange being in school in our clothes we normally wear for bed. During the day, we enjoyed writing our own bedtime story and it was a fab experience making dens and reading our stories to each other at the end of the day with torches. It was a tight squeeze under some of those dens!
We also took part in the stop, drop and read (this is where we had to stop what we were doing, drop whatever was in our hands and pick up a book to read). We found the signal very funny as it was the minions laughing which made us giggle every time.
Miss Mullett's favourite part was when we got to go to the library for hot chocolate and biscuits! It was so delicious!