Summer Term
Well it is our final term together in Year 5 and what a year we have had lets end it on a high and enjoy being back to school together before we all get excited for the summer.
This term we will be looking forward to Year 6 and transitioning into our final year at primary school, studying the Ancient Maya and reading Journey to the River Sea.
Spring Term Lockdown 3.0
Oh what a term we faced many challenges but we managed it !
You are all fantastic (mums, dads and carers too!)
Here are some highlights from the blog.
Autumn Term
As part of our mini-topic this year, we will be exploring the fascinating sights and celebrations of Brazil and the carnival!
We will also be dipping into other areas of Latin America such as Mexico and Peru to gain insight to why the other Year 5 classes are named Peru and Mexico. We'll delve into the darkest depths of the Amazon Rainforest and discover the day of the dead.
Our topic for the Autumn Term is The Industrial Revolution. You will see just how this Victorian age of invention completely turned the world on its head and shaped it into the one we see today!
This half term we have started reading about Jim Jarvis and his adventure as a street child.
What we have found out so far...
Jim lost his father and his home in a cottage leading to him living in Mr Spinks shared house. Unfortunately, Ma sends Jim to buy a pie with her last shilling leading to the family been evicted from there room. Ma takes her three children to see a friend called Rosie. Rosie offers a home to Lizzie and Emily Jim's sisters but can not help Ma caring for Jim. Ma and Jim set off to the workhouse, Ma is too weak and Jim last sees her sent to the workhouse infirmary. Jim was now a orphan. In the story Jim stayed in the workhouse for about a year and then escapes...His adventure as a street child has begun.