Sleep is very important for our bodies and children need to re-charge after their very busy days. Talk with your child about why sleep is important and come up with a bedtime routine that suits you and your child. Children sometimes have difficulties getting to sleep in their own bed and by themselves but these are importan
t parts of growing up and will help them to develop their independence. If you need any support with this please talk to your child's class teacher.
Top Tips
- Decide what time you want your child to go to bed - most nursery and reception children will go to bed between 7 and 8pm. Children 3-5 need on average 10-13 hours of sleep a night.
- Start a "winding down" period 20 minutes before the time that your child usually falls asleep.
- Set a limit on how much time you spend with your child when you put them to bed. For example, read only 1 story, then tuck your child in and say goodnight.
- Give your child their favourite toy or comforter before settling into bed.
- Leave a beaker of water within reach and a dim light on if necessary.
- If your child gets up, keep taking them back to bed again with as little fuss as possible.
- Try to be consistent.
- You may have to repeat this routine for several nights.
- Make sure you have a calming, predictable bedtime routine that happens at the same time and includes the same things every night.
- If your child complains that they're hungry at night, try giving them a bowl of cereal and milk before bed (make sure you brush their teeth afterwards).
- If your child is afraid of the dark, consider using a nightlight or leaving a landing light on.
- Do not let your child look at laptops, tablets or phones in the 30 to 60 minutes before bed – the light from screens can interfere with sleep.
- If your child wakes up during the night, be as boring as possible – leave lights off, avoid eye contact and do not talk to them more than necessary.
- Avoid long naps in the afternoon.
This technique can help toddlers (over 12 months) or older children get used to going to sleep without you in the room.
It can also be used whenever your child wakes in the middle of the night.
Be prepared for your child to take a long time to settle when you first start.
You can use strokes or pats instead of kisses if your child sleeps in a cot and you cannot reach them to give them a kiss.
- Follow a regular calming bedtime routine.
- Put your child to bed when they're drowsy but awake, then kiss them goodnight.
- Promise to go back in a few moments to give them another kiss.
- Return almost immediately to give a kiss.
- Take a few steps to the door, then return immediately to give a kiss.
- Promise to return in a few moments to give them another kiss.
- Put something away or do something in the room then give them a kiss.
- As long as the child stays in bed, keep returning to give more kisses.
- Do something outside their room and return to give kisses.
- If the child gets out of bed, say: "Back into bed and I'll give you a kiss".
- Keep going back often to give kisses until they're asleep.
- Repeat every time your child wakes during the night.