We will be continuing our phonics and learning j v w x this week. We learn one new sound each day.
Watch the following videos each day so that you child learns about the same letters we are doing at school. There are two videos each day – part 1 and part 2:
Monday j (Lesson 31, part 1 and 2)
Tuesday v (Lesson 32, part 1 and 2)
Wednesday w (Lesson 33, part 1 and 2)
Thursday x (Lesson 34, part 1 and 2)
After you have watched the videos each day:
Can you find things that start with that letter around the house?
You can try writing three letter words using the letters the children have been taught and see if they can blend them to read them.
You can say a word and see if they can write down the sounds they hear in the word spell it.
Some words you can use – jam, jar, jet, jog, job, jug, jump, junk, van, vet, vest, wet, win, wig, web, wag, wax, went, fix, fox, six, ox, tax, mix, box …
If you want to challenge your child, encourage them to write a caption or short sentence using the words they have learnt.
Your child can practise writing the letters. The letter formation can be found in the home learning information further below.