Hello and Welcome to the Arctic Foxes page!
In our class we have 21 of us along with Mrs Dovaston and Miss Taylor.
We have all settled in really well.
Please check our page regularly to see all the wonderful things we will be doing in class.
This week we have listened to the story of
'Little Red Riding Hood'
We received this letter and a recipe card:
This week we have listened to:
'The Three Little Pigs'
We are Scientists!
We explored a range of materials.
We talked about what they feel and look like and what they are made from.
We talked about the materials that we had explored. We then chose 4 of those materials to make a house for the pigs. We worked together as a team to create a sturdy and stable home.
Along came 'The Big Bad Hair Dryer' - "I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down!"
We saw the hairdryer blowing down the least stable houses.
We then talked about the best material to use to make a house for the three little pigs, so that it couldn't get blown down.
We have been exploring our new classroom and getting to know our new friends.
We have been learning about our faces and bodies. We made some faces with loose parts.