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Reception -Icicles

Welcome to Icicles

Welcome to Icicles

We hope you enjoy looking at what we get up to in our class and following our learning journey. We are all very excited to be at school and are enjoying finding out and learning lots of new things.

We are Icicles!

We have been enjoying the continuous provision in 'The Curriculum Hub' - this week we have been thinking about how we travel in our local area and why Darlington is so important in the history of trains. We have also been exploring magnetism.

Using the computer keyboard

Creating maps of our local area

Diwali and Hanukah music - lots of dancing!

Practising our cutting skills.

Children in Need Day

We have been learning about Diwali and have made diva lamps using clay.

DT - Exploring joining junk modelling with tape and glue

Drawing self-portraits

Drawing Autumn items

Learning about senses

Exploring 'past' and 'present' by sorting photographs.

We are enjoying making friends.
