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Polar Bears

🌈Hello Nursery!🌈

We are the Polar Bear class, welcome to our Class Page!



Class Teacher: Mrs Wessels

Teaching Assistants: Miss Bailey and Miss Higgins

Children: We currently have 45 children in Polar Bear class, split over 15 and 30 hours


🏃 Polar Bear's Sports Day! 🏅


We had lots of fun completing our Sports Day activities.

We showed our amazing balance skills with a 'bean bag on the head' race, tried super hard not to drop our eggs in the egg and spoon race, and ran a very long way for our running race!

Running Race

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Running Race 2

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Running Race 3

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Running Race 4

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Running Race 5

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Egg and Spoon Race

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Bean Bag on Head Race

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🌳 Forest Garden Adventures 🌳


Each week we go to Forest Garden to explore the wilderness!

Have a look at our pictures of the adventures we have had so far!

🍋🥭Feeling Fruity!🍈🍍


We had lots of fun tasting some new fruits , and even pickled onions!

The grown-ups were super proud of all of us, because we all tried everything!

See if you can tell what we likes and what we didn't!



 🐛  Caterpillars and Butterflies 🦋


During our ‘Changes’ Topic, we looked at how lots of things change. We noticed changes in everything, from ourselves to the weather.

We were also visited by five caterpillars, who we watched change into beautiful butterflies!

We learned that this process is called ‘metamorphosis’, and watched as they spun their silk and munched on the food they need to make them grow – they got really big!

Then, when they were ready to change, they hung upside down and formed their chrysalides. Once they were hard, it was time to move them carefully to the butterfly tent, where they continued to grow and form beautiful Painted Lady Butterflies.

When they were all ready, we released them outside and watched them fly away!

Bye Bye Butterflies!

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Ooh La La! Qu'est-ce que c'est - It's French Day!

Nursery have had lots of fun during French Day!

We have Listened to French nursery rhymes; danced to the French version of head, shoulders, knees and toes; made our own French flags; and made our own versions of Matisse's The Snail.


Nursery have been super excited for Christmas! 

The children were very helpful, and have decorated our Christmas Tree - I think you will agree that it looks fabulous!


We have also had some very special visitors!

Santa has sent his Kindness Elves to see how kind, caring and helpful we can all be!

We aren't allowed to touch them, because they might loose their magic, but they are keeping their looking eyes on to check we are being helpful and kind.


They might be setting us some kindness tasks too, we are all very excited!


Keep looking back to see what other festive fun we get up to in the coming weeks! 

We have had lots of fun investigating musical instruments this week. We have looked at different ways of playing them, the different sounds they make and even made our own!


Below are a few photos of us making our instruments, and a video of us all playing them all together!

Making Music

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We enjoyed playing our own instruments today!

We have had lots of fun creating firework pictures for Bonfire night, learning about the importance of Remembrance and creating our own representations of poppies, and celebrating Children in Need! 


For Children in Need, we wore our own clothes and gave our 'Pennies to Pudsey' to help children who need it most. We had lots of fun making representations of our own teddy bears using charcoal!



 This week, we have enjoyed exploring all things Halloween! 

 Have a look at the photos below, if you dare...! 

Autumn 🍂


We have enjoyed exploring the signs of autumn over the past few weeks!


We had a hedgehog visitor in our outside area!

Mrs Wilkinson rescued it (it wouldn't have been safe staying in the home it had built!) and took it to a quieter area in school. But before she did, some of the children in Nursery had a look at it in the box Mrs Wilkinson had put it in!


When the weather changed, we were quick to put our wellies on so we could splash in the puddles in our outside area!


We have explored the school grounds, looking for signs of autumn. We found lots of brown, orange and red leaves on on the school field, and collected them for our interest table in Nursery! This means we can look at them every day!


On our autumn walk, one of us noticed an apple tree next to the school playground! We collected some of the fallen apples so we could investigate. Mrs Wilkinson was very kind when she found out we were interested in apples and brought some from her own apple tree at home! We have made apple soup, printed with them, cut them open to see what is inside and even eaten them for our snack! (Not the ones we found on our travels/from Mrs Wilkinson's apple tree!)


After reading the story Owl Babies, we made our own representations of owls, some of us drew them, and some of us used scourers to paint them!


We have displayed our representation of autumn, in our art and messy area! Take a look and see what you think of our creativity!


Have a look at the rest of our photos, below!

Leaf Man - We have enjoyed reading about Leaf Man, and have made our own leaf-y people and animals!

We have had lots of fun in our first couple of weeks of Nursery!

We have made lots of new friends, explored all of the areas in Nursery and are learning our new rules and routines!

Meet the Teacher


Usually at this time of year we offer parents and carers the chance to come into nursery one afternoon at the end of the school day to meet their child's teacher, find out a bit more about their class and be reminded of things that we do in class along with what their child needs etc.


Unfortunately at this present time, due to the Covid-19 situation, we are unable to do this. Instead we have made a PowerPoint for you to look through with the information that we would have shared with you.


Please take some time to look through and if you have any questions or queries please feel free to ask us at drop off or pick up.


Don't forget we are always here if you need to know anything about school or your child's progress, please just ask!
